03-26-2011, 07:20 AM
Can someone point me to the description of AM11 stages.
Shannon, I see a pattern in the AM11 posts. A major bout of resistance, depression in stage 2. Stage 3 is anger and rage. Is this part of the programming or just a reaction that some are seeing. Does stage 2 break the listener down emotionally, like a military boot camp. Does stage 3 start with the anger thing so that we don't take crap anymore. LOL it would be funny to find out that stage 2 has the following "I will revert back to the insecurities of my youth", and stage 3 has "I will be angry at the world.
So the question is, "Is this all just part of the plan", and if so can you explain why and what the purpose is. Seeing the purpose helps to define what the end goal is.
Shannon, I see a pattern in the AM11 posts. A major bout of resistance, depression in stage 2. Stage 3 is anger and rage. Is this part of the programming or just a reaction that some are seeing. Does stage 2 break the listener down emotionally, like a military boot camp. Does stage 3 start with the anger thing so that we don't take crap anymore. LOL it would be funny to find out that stage 2 has the following "I will revert back to the insecurities of my youth", and stage 3 has "I will be angry at the world.
So the question is, "Is this all just part of the plan", and if so can you explain why and what the purpose is. Seeing the purpose helps to define what the end goal is.