The quote from Sex Magnet:
The program also automatically prevents you from sleeping with the wrong kinds of women. Those who are trying to trick you, trap you, control you or manipulate you with sex will find it’s difficult to do if you won’t play their game. (Version 3 now allows you to choose whether you will have sex with women who only want to use you for sex.)
I contemplated about this a lot.What I am about to bring to your attention is probably the reason why some guys had more sex on Wm, and why it is so hard to achieve sex on Sm.
Biologically,women want 1.great genes 2.provider, because they invest a lot more of their time and resources when it comes to sex, and sex is a much more risky experience for her . Women SUBCONSCIOSLY want to have a baby from a guy if he has one of those , even if contraception is being used. (and of course, if attraction is there, but attraction is basically when you have one of those 2 ).So,any woman who will want to have sex with you will want to 'trap'you, trick you, control you in some way. After all, they want a provider for their 'baby' ( again, this is subconscios, and is valid even if contraception is being used).
For the word manipulate. How does the subconscios understand this word? Differently for every person, I suppose.But as I said , on a subsconscios level a woman will always want to control you, trick you, manipulate you, ALWAYS. She wants to control you to be a provider.She wants to trick you to have baby(even if she doesn't realise it).She wants to manipulate you so that can get her needs met and her emotions satisfied.
SO, in conclusion, a lot of women will do at least one of those things to you(trick you, trap you ,control you, manipulate you), AT LEAST ONE.And what does Sex Magnet do? Even if one of these is present,it disqualifies the women.AfzalG and others have said Wm brings a lot more women as manifestations.
A woman will trick you because she wants a baby, subconsciosly,from 'great genes'.
A woman will trap you because she wants a bond and a commitmenf, 'provider'.
A woman will manipulate you because that is in her nature.For example,drama is in the nature of every woman.Drama is like sports to men.The difference is, and the reason why men hate drama is because drama accomplishes needs that most men don't need.Conversely,sports for men accomplishes things that most women don't need(power,competiveness,motivation,etc)
A woman will manipulate you because she wants you to take care of her eventual baby, with other words so you can provide for her.
Even if she doesn't realise it, subconsciosly her drives work in such a way .And Sex Magnet is a subconscios program after all.It disqualifies probably 95% of beatiful women.And from the hypothetical remaining 5%, how many will be attracted to the sub user sexually ? Less than 1% , hypothetically.This can't be disregarded because a lot of guys don't get results at all or get one or two women only.Or only 4-5 (rarely so much
Protection from STDs is great however.
Think about this, Shannon.
The program also automatically prevents you from sleeping with the wrong kinds of women. Those who are trying to trick you, trap you, control you or manipulate you with sex will find it’s difficult to do if you won’t play their game. (Version 3 now allows you to choose whether you will have sex with women who only want to use you for sex.)
I contemplated about this a lot.What I am about to bring to your attention is probably the reason why some guys had more sex on Wm, and why it is so hard to achieve sex on Sm.
Biologically,women want 1.great genes 2.provider, because they invest a lot more of their time and resources when it comes to sex, and sex is a much more risky experience for her . Women SUBCONSCIOSLY want to have a baby from a guy if he has one of those , even if contraception is being used. (and of course, if attraction is there, but attraction is basically when you have one of those 2 ).So,any woman who will want to have sex with you will want to 'trap'you, trick you, control you in some way. After all, they want a provider for their 'baby' ( again, this is subconscios, and is valid even if contraception is being used).
For the word manipulate. How does the subconscios understand this word? Differently for every person, I suppose.But as I said , on a subsconscios level a woman will always want to control you, trick you, manipulate you, ALWAYS. She wants to control you to be a provider.She wants to trick you to have baby(even if she doesn't realise it).She wants to manipulate you so that can get her needs met and her emotions satisfied.
SO, in conclusion, a lot of women will do at least one of those things to you(trick you, trap you ,control you, manipulate you), AT LEAST ONE.And what does Sex Magnet do? Even if one of these is present,it disqualifies the women.AfzalG and others have said Wm brings a lot more women as manifestations.
A woman will trick you because she wants a baby, subconsciosly,from 'great genes'.
A woman will trap you because she wants a bond and a commitmenf, 'provider'.
A woman will manipulate you because that is in her nature.For example,drama is in the nature of every woman.Drama is like sports to men.The difference is, and the reason why men hate drama is because drama accomplishes needs that most men don't need.Conversely,sports for men accomplishes things that most women don't need(power,competiveness,motivation,etc)
A woman will manipulate you because she wants you to take care of her eventual baby, with other words so you can provide for her.
Even if she doesn't realise it, subconsciosly her drives work in such a way .And Sex Magnet is a subconscios program after all.It disqualifies probably 95% of beatiful women.And from the hypothetical remaining 5%, how many will be attracted to the sub user sexually ? Less than 1% , hypothetically.This can't be disregarded because a lot of guys don't get results at all or get one or two women only.Or only 4-5 (rarely so much

Protection from STDs is great however.
Think about this, Shannon.