12-18-2018, 04:32 PM
Funnily enough, even though I felt like a golden God most of the time during yesterday's loops, after I finished listening to them I got rather rage-y, a "Hulk smash" type of deal.
Fortunately I managed to restrain myself from breaking anything, haha.
Then I slept for a pretty long time (I remember bits of pieces of rather positive dreams), and now I've woken up and am very hungry. Feeling better health-wise, too, but at least a day or two of farting into my pillows left yet, to be on the safe side.

Then I slept for a pretty long time (I remember bits of pieces of rather positive dreams), and now I've woken up and am very hungry. Feeling better health-wise, too, but at least a day or two of farting into my pillows left yet, to be on the safe side.
"A man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." - A. Crowley