04-02-2011, 08:28 PM
(04-02-2011, 07:45 PM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: Stage 5 felt like a good thing long term-and ok thing short term.
Did I feel good by the end of it, no-not at all, I was completely uninspired, didn't care about anything and could barely bring myself to go to my job. So that is a bad thing in my opinion.
What was good about it? IDK?, same with stage 4. There were definitely moments-sometimes weeks at a time where I was on fire with everything in my life but its hard to say if that was the sub, at the time I thought it was.
On fire-meaning I was doing awesome at work-socializing was a blast and easy, things were coming way way, I was going on dates and pushing myself in all areas of my life. A couple women showed up in my life, like literally met them on my front door step.
Its so hard to say what these stages do because they seem like a part of me by the time I notice anything different.
I've listed the positive benefits of stage 5 in a few posts before this and those still hold true.
Essentially it came down to this, if I was living a repeating pattern stage 5 made me feel like crap, in new environments or socializing, or doing new things, (when I could bring myself to), stage 5 made me feel much better and things went better.
Life felt extremely hard during stage 4 and a less hard during stage 5.
By the end of stage 5 I did not feel at all like I hoped I would but at the same time I don't care anymore. I honestly just don't know what these stages are doing sometimes. I'm doing my best to pick up whats difference with my self and experience of life. Certain things are obvious, like my body language and level of social anxiety, female attention etc. but its like everything is not quite baked, even the fact that I really could care less about approval or what others think, and I'm way more confident and comfortable being myself in all situations, but there still some insecurity there, still some hesitation, still some self doubt etc.
Its like a geschalt, if I look at it one way its like I have changed a ton, from another angle I have changed very little. The biggest thing I cared about was how I felt inside which by the end of stage 5 sucked. I think once I move into my own place things were really start clicking more and even despite that I would not take back having done 5 months of this set for anything, something about doing it just feels necessary for me.
i know how you feel rainbow. I felt this way with stage 5 and most of 6. To me its not that alpha was a cure all for all my problems but it did help me get over a lot of other things and actually try to do stuff. The most important thing for me it has done was believing in myself and just being me.
Sure I haven't gotten laid with it,made a huge social circle or gone and done everything i wanted to do. Although I have taken a step in the right direction and another round or 2 of alpha (after sex magnet of course ) will only strengthen whats there.
The way i see the Alpha set is more of a push really hard in the right direction to the extreme then it slides back a little so you have room for air. kind of like bungee jumping the cord is really lose then gets really tight then comes to some where in between.
I hope stage 6 will be really great for you dude
Success is having the courage, determination, & the will. Failure is making excuses why you didn't succeed & blaming others around you because you didn't
Success is having the courage, determination, & the will. Failure is making excuses why you didn't succeed & blaming others around you because you didn't