@Fonzy - Thank you very much
I'm happy to be here.
@Shannon, I appreciate your reply a lot! This has been by far the best read I ever had regarding this topic of dumping cigs, and what amazes me is how you as a non-smoker can know so good and extremely accurate certain things (all).
I'm not being guilt-tripped in life and for me every situation is an exception from everything regarding how I act, think~ Whatever I do, gets a new shape, and it doesn't go on a certain pattern.
I didn't took a guilt trip from you because I know you want to help and by your last posts you gave more help than 10 doctors and specialists with all their hoax pills could give; I'm not going to quote many paragraphs from your last reply (because I should nearly all of them), but I wish more people would read what I just read. It made me realize way better how the whole system works, as it's like you resumed for me what you learned in years of research. / I was only somewhat sad because I perceived you as being very happy that someone will do a journal on SSF, and I changed my mind because I wanted to stick with what I truly want/need more in this moment. One thing I know for sure, that now I know about SSF and if things won't go well for me on the long run without using it, I will come back and use it accordingly.
^ This is brilliantly said! It's like I knew some of these things, but more like I only had a few pieces of the puzzle. Now you made it complete in my head, even if there is more than that, this makes so much sense!
I will start in January with LTU for 6 months + journal. If, after these 6 months, I will find myself that I'm not smoking anymore, then I will take "the" break and continue with another sub. If I will start smoking again during these 6 months, I'll finish my LTU, take "the" break and then go 6 months+~ following the instructions, with the new version of SSF. This is the best decision that makes me content about my choice.
Thank you Shannon, you are remarkable and a one-of-a-kind person
Your help will be returned, I know you'll say that there's no need. But just let karma do its job

@Shannon, I appreciate your reply a lot! This has been by far the best read I ever had regarding this topic of dumping cigs, and what amazes me is how you as a non-smoker can know so good and extremely accurate certain things (all).
I'm not being guilt-tripped in life and for me every situation is an exception from everything regarding how I act, think~ Whatever I do, gets a new shape, and it doesn't go on a certain pattern.
I didn't took a guilt trip from you because I know you want to help and by your last posts you gave more help than 10 doctors and specialists with all their hoax pills could give; I'm not going to quote many paragraphs from your last reply (because I should nearly all of them), but I wish more people would read what I just read. It made me realize way better how the whole system works, as it's like you resumed for me what you learned in years of research. / I was only somewhat sad because I perceived you as being very happy that someone will do a journal on SSF, and I changed my mind because I wanted to stick with what I truly want/need more in this moment. One thing I know for sure, that now I know about SSF and if things won't go well for me on the long run without using it, I will come back and use it accordingly.
(12-21-2013, 12:52 AM)Shannon Wrote: Do you understand that as a smoker, you're always trying to get back to the state that a non-smoker is always in? Each time you have a cigarette, that's what it does. It returns you to where you were before you started smoking. And then, the nicotine makes you feel worse and worse until you have another dose.
So you're not giving up anything by quitting. You're freeing yourself of the constant cycle of being dragged into discomfort by nicotine withdrawal, only to return to where you were before you started smoking by having that cigarette! "Giving up something" is one of the biggest misconceptions that keeps smokers smoking. I as a nonsmoker don't need a cigarette to be happy, peaceful, calm, relaxed, concentrate, etc. Why then do you, as a smoker, need nicotine to achieve those things? Because instead of making you more focused, happy, calm, etc. nicotine actually takes those things away from you - and when you have another dose, you return to where you were before you were a smoker. But because the removal is so subtle, and the dosing so obvious, it seems to be that nicotine is giving you what it's actually taking away.
^ This is brilliantly said! It's like I knew some of these things, but more like I only had a few pieces of the puzzle. Now you made it complete in my head, even if there is more than that, this makes so much sense!
I will start in January with LTU for 6 months + journal. If, after these 6 months, I will find myself that I'm not smoking anymore, then I will take "the" break and continue with another sub. If I will start smoking again during these 6 months, I'll finish my LTU, take "the" break and then go 6 months+~ following the instructions, with the new version of SSF. This is the best decision that makes me content about my choice.
Thank you Shannon, you are remarkable and a one-of-a-kind person