(09-20-2013, 12:16 AM)Leonidas Wrote: 1st time I got an erection around 45 minute mark, 2nd time I got an erection within 15 minutes. 3d time, no effect. And yeah when l got an erection, I felt heavy in my head. And it is acclimated after a certain usage (and never work after that) or only if used daily? I mean can I use it like once/twice a week without acclimating it?I like your thinking !
The goal is to get aroused without any stimulus such as imagination and pornography.
And, I want the arousal to last for at least half a day so I can practice sexual transmutation, when I am aroused there is such a flow in my writing, ideas pop into my head out of nowhere. I want that. Will PSE Vol 2/4 will help with it?
It reminds of, have you considered building a sub where you cultivate and harness your sexual energy towards your goals, keeping Think and Grow Rich in mind.
And a 5G writing sub., probably a multi stage.
I've been using PSE 5 for pretty much the same purposes. It feels as if my aura is on fire after using it.
A 5G sub with the specific purpose of arousing sexual energy and transmuting it towards creativity/development of GENIUS etc would be LIFE CHANGING.
I proposed a similar addition to SM here http://subliminal-talk.com/Thread-SM-3-0...y-enhancer
Though transmuting the energy for use in the development of genius is even better!
Sexual Alchemy has been one of the most guarded and best kept secrets throughout history. Our whole western esoteric lineage and secret societies exists that have kept this secret. Only recently, mainly due to east and western philosophies coming together, and due to the work of Aleister crowley, has their been an uprising of this.
Making a subliminal that teaches us how to do this would take our development to the next level.
This ties in to some other ideas I had: Esoteric Sciences Subliminals.
From Opening the energy flow through the body (microorbit, middle pillar, opening the chakras), through attunement to planetary energies (or the 7 metals from alchemy), to lucid dreaming and astral projection, understanding Time ( a similar product exists already :[product link removed. It is a violation of forum rules to advertise for our competitors on our forum. Don't do that again. - Shannon] ) , etc
I feel all of this is possible with these subliminals and it would take spiritual development to a whole new level.
I am quite literate on this subject due to having studied esotericism for quite some time. I could help with the development of the script.