03-17-2017, 05:35 PM
![[Image: wxkzJNM.gif]](http://i.imgur.com/wxkzJNM.gif)
Like snowfall, you cry a silent storm
Your tears paint rivers on this oaken wall. . .
-- Agalloch, The Mantle
Your tears paint rivers on this oaken wall. . .
-- Agalloch, The Mantle
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
03-17-2017, 05:35 PM
Like snowfall, you cry a silent storm
Your tears paint rivers on this oaken wall. . . -- Agalloch, The Mantle
03-17-2017, 05:41 PM
(03-17-2017, 03:23 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote:(03-17-2017, 01:59 PM)Ricardo Wrote:(03-17-2017, 11:45 AM)Shannon Wrote: 3.1 is the first version, according to the models, that has the potential to achieve the design goals, but it's sort of "just over the threshold". So it will make progress, but probably be slow. 3.2 should be much faster acting. And once again, it has to be advanced more and more carefully as it becomes more and more powerful. Small steps are not for fun, they're for safety.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
03-17-2017, 05:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-17-2017, 07:32 PM by wolverine_i_am.)
Regarding Eternity's girl's situation, you shouldn't compare yourself with other people. Remember she's a girl and naturally they have way more people chasing them.
I had my first date on 3.1 around day 12. But then again, I was out approaching girls and I've had a lotta dates by now that dates aren't a big deal. Bottom line. Everybody are at different stages in their journeys, so it isn't fair to compare yourself to them.
03-17-2017, 08:26 PM
Yeah. Sexual dynamics is much different when it comes to men and women. It made me resentful that she manifested so quickly, while us guys don't see results for weeks of daily listening. Maybe it's the 7 days bloom period between listening that did it? Who knows.
I'm over it now tho. It is what it is, and there's no use getting bent out of shape about it. My intention in exposing her was to dispel one-itis. And it worked. The design goal for dmsi is like a jigsaw puzzle with 100,000,000 pieces. Each little healing and clearing we accomplish puts a few thousand pieces of the puzzle together. More pieces are added when we learn things via SATT. even more pieces are added when we stop resisting. Learning what to look for in women as IOI's would constitute 100,000 pieces, including body language, face reading, etc. Another 100,000 pieces for knowing how to say the right things at the right time in the right way. 1,000,000 for Sexual performance, 1,000,000 for knowing how and when to escalate. Plus more aspects which would assemble even more puzzle pieces. The kicker is that some of the puzzle is missing altogether. That's where 3.2- 3.xfinal comes in. Meanwhile, we continue to put the puzzle together as best we can, refusing to flip the table like a child when the puzzle seems too difficult to solve. Because it's not true, considering we have maestro to identify what pieces of the puzzle is missing, who will then construct these pieces, and provide it to us. We just have to make sure we don't flip the table and say screw it. Lol.
Day 21: DMSI V3.1-A
-Cameron, a WWE star, had drugs in her car. I was in the car, the passenger seat. She reached through the dash trying to hold onto the drugs when I was pulling them out of the dash. I guess she was in between the engine and dashboard somehow. Basically I found drugs in a car that apparently were hers and I was telling the police about it, and she was trying to keep me from doing it and handing them over to the police. Woke up. -Dream about two girls I know. TZ and DM. TZ I talk to still, DM I haven't for a long time, because apparently 9's don't like hearing no and go psycho, both are models. In the dream, TZ spent a ton of money to start a company and we were talking about it. 43M wow, her family is well off but that figure is way out of proportion to real life, I guess that was to show the epicness of it for the dream, who knows. It was exciting as it had parallels to my company and was positive and exciting and uplifting to me to hear about and converse about. I always get excited talking about business and entrepreneurship, even if it's someone else's company. I end up becoming an impromptu mentor or giving tons of tidbits to help them that I wish I knew to help things along, I can't help it, it naturally flows at those times. I love to do it, seeing others I care about achieve success always makes me smile. DM told me about it first in fact, we were all at a party to celebrate the launch it felt like, formal dress and all that. In the dream, DM and I were great, just like before she went nuts on me. TZ was like "I hope people buy my designs now, lol". TZ and I have history too, but good history. Not relevant to the dream though. So I guess it was fashion the company would be doing. Woke up. The Cameron dream was weird, I'm attracted to her in real life, other than that I don't understand the dream. I don't even think she does drugs in real life, I've never heard such a thing. It was weird. The TZ one was really nice, although I struggle to see the parallel to DMSI. -Had a dream I lived in a girl's house, NK, I went to high school with and who dated my best friend for a long time. She was cute, but even back then I had no success with girls and I'd never go after a friend's girlfriend. She wasn't in the dream, or involved in any way, weird the dream was set there at her house and on her street. Some guy was there dressed as the Joker and yapped off to me. I punched him in the face to retaliate. My Mother was there, she was shocked, I told her when she was in the kitchen cleaning dishes right after it happened. I decide to be a peacemaker and walk them out after, him and his friends. I felt awkward and on guard, waiting for something to go down as it was tense and I felt I needed to be ready. All was well until I turned to talk to the other guy to try to distill things and break the tension and be a peacemaker, and the Joker guy punched me in the back like a bitch coward from behind. It hurt a lot. Shoved me out of the way. My Mother was watching from a window until just before then, so she didn't see it happen or that I needed help. I don't know if I tried to call out to her and couldn't or not. They all got into a car and revved it a bit, it had tints and sounded modified. Like those stupid fart can exhaust's sound. I was worried they'd try to run me down with the car, so I kept looking at the car out of the corner of my eye, ready to run off the street if they tried. They drove off and I walked towards the house again. Woke up. -Another dream. I was walking and some scum I knew of and had problems with, in the dream, not in real life I've never seen him before but had the typical Jersey Shore douchebag look, drove by me going the other way on a street and drove fast over to my side of the street and close to me on the sidewalk. I guess to scare me or give me a warning, I was shocked and was scared he would run me over with his car, similar to the other dream, oddly. Just an asshat, and I was thinking after while walking "I don't seem to get as much respect from people, especially scumbags since my family has dialed things back in life. I wish we didn't." And then woke up. -A few others I only remember fragments of. One of me in an elevator and some African black guy, from Ghana or Nigeria, kept trying to get behind me and molest me and rub against me. Gross. Finally I went crazy at him, got other people involved to get him off of me as he wouldn't let go of me and it was really uncomfortable and making me very angry and disgusted. I think they pulled him off, there was a bit of commotion I lost track of things. That dream made me angry, creepy scum. I was pissed off and grossed out. Woke up. Other than that, feeling the latent depression and futility veering in and out. Girls I know and like feel even further away on this version, thinking of all the failures with girls over the years, feels like a waste of time to keep trying especially since I see zero progress. Progress being real situations happening with real girls in real life, that should be obvious but I'll state it to preempt replies about dreams or what not as "the sub is working". In fact, if anything, girls are responding less and less to me. I am getting ignored often with messages, 6 girls now have done this since V3.1 started. They're all girls I've known and communicated with for quite some time before V3.1, and about the exact same things. I seem to get non responses very often now, almost always, and there is ZERO reason to do that as we were cool before this version, or rarely, one word answers. So, there's a difference...a massive downgrade in communication with females. No idea why. I feel much further behind now. These are all girls I viewed as attractive and possibles for DMSI, so somehow now I seem to have lost basic contact with them. I always get so angry about how I get treated by women, like they have so many options I am completely disposable and treated like trash and totally invalidated as a man. Never seemingly taken seriously at all for some reason that one really irritates me. It makes me angry and resentful. I feel schaudenfreude when one I liked and never got a chance with, chased some badboy loser and got what was coming to her. Then you have to hear the stupid "all guys are *******", meanwhile she is laser targeted to loser bad boys who are obvious dead weight from the get go for some idiotic reason. I used to get far more angry about it, but now it's so predictable that I feel a bit of "here we go again" and thinking it's typical. Getting rejected is one thing, but never even being considered as any kind of option or taken seriously is far worse to me, and I don't know why this keeps happening to me. I don't know what is so bad, so vile, so unappealing that it ruins anything else I have to offer. The dating market in this culture is terrible for men. Terrible. A tiny bit of men have the world by the ass, the rest of us stumble and fumble to get any scraps of female attention and live lives of quiet desperation and massive sexual drought and crippling self doubt and confidence as a result. Even guys like me who have done so much and have the lifestyle I have. It's insane! Overall, just sick of the feeling that nothing is happening and that girls don't seem to respond at all to me no matter what, feels like continuing to want them is a waste of time. I question if this thing will work ever, "dreams" and "looks" are not proof to me this program works at all. Nobody is paying for this and listening to it for dreams, or looks. I'm still not convinced at all, after almost a year of use and 6 different versions. Pretty painful to think all that time has been wasted. I'm already 35, I don't have a lot of time left to get my act together with women somehow, someway. At this point, if I did want kids, which I don't even know about because I'd have to actually have a woman in my life first, obviously. And that's been enough of a nightmarish challenge. But let's say I have them by 40 which would take a miraculous change of results close to immediately which seems extremely unlikely, but if so my kids would be 20 when I'm 60. Do I want to deal with all that at that age? I doubt it. So...it feels like it's too late, I don't know, as random hookups with these girls around me I find attractive don't seem to really interest me more than the odd times I feel horny, and seem as far as can be from reality anyway to lust over as I'd just make myself feel bad about it as it's feeling largely futile. I do like the idea of romance, but I'm not even sure I'm able to go for that anymore, even that seems futile as it always has been for me, lots of pain and failure there whenever I tried. So I'm not even sure if it's all worth it anymore to me, I wish I could stop and just remove all interest in girls finally I'd have peace and wouldn't have this urge for them but constant rejection and failure, never being taken seriously as a real option in return. No matter what they don't want me and every attempt is met with rejection or ignoring, so why keep throwing good money after bad I suppose. Still waiting for this thing to show me it can do anything it's supposed to be able to do, even after nearly a year of use and 6 different versions. I'd be lying if I said I haven't become increasingly skeptical over time that it ever will. It seems like a pipedream in reality. It's partially my own fault, I always viewed aura/manifestation programs as major bravo sierra, as let's face it, if Susan Boyle used DAOSI or DMSI, nobody would mistake her for Jessica Alba. So, I don't understand how this thing works or what it does beyond seemingly endless "clearing and healing", as stated before in posts. However, I bought in out of desperation to be honest. I simply don't have a lot of things left I haven't tried to fix this, so I bought in. I'm starting to realise that a small number of guys have massive options with women for unknown reasons, and the rest have scraps if that to fight over and that's reality. I don't know if it's a physical attraction thing, or what. It feels like the chicken and the egg, I need confidence in myself and my abilities with women to get women, but I need to be able to get women to get confidence in myself and my abilities with women to then get women. It seems impossible to break out of. For months now, I've really been "over" the whole thing, feels like an endless treadmill with no progress. Maybe I simply will not be one of the guys women magically find attractive and lust over for whatever unexplainable reason, I've watched them do it to certain guys my whole life, I can't figure out WHY though, I haven't seen a pattern with them. It seems totally unpredictable, random, and impossible to understand or obtain, similar to them in general in fact... I think I've lost a lot of interest in this rubic's cube of females since starting this sub and continuing to be snuffed, as written about before often. Still waiting for one clear sign from a real girl it actually works to turn things around. That would make all the difference to me, then I'd have the proof that after all these years, I'm finally on the right track. As of right now, I have no such assurance. I don't know if it's the right path even anymore due to how murky this all is, or if I've moved down the path at all the whole time I've been on the program. So then, I look to reality and girls around me, and try to figure it out. I ask myself, "Well, has anything happened since starting this program way back on V2.2 with any girls around you that in all fairness wouldn't have happened before? Thus proving it is indeed working beyond all doubt.". And, the answer is: "No.". So it's very frustrating, and causes doubt and skepticism it will ever work. I fear it'll be another year of "waiting for the more powerful version so it will work finally" over and over again, until the program is finally bottled as too ambitious beyond reality. I hope I'm wrong, but personally, given what I've experienced on the sub, I'd be very hesitant to bet against my own words there, to be 100% honest with you. That's it for now.
03-21-2017, 02:32 PM
CatMan, once you hit 30 days on version A, I think you should try switching over to B. I don't believe you ever did side B of 3.0.1, at least I can't remember you doing it.
Perhaps you'll have a different experience with that version, as it has no healing and it may just beat through everything to get you a result.
03-21-2017, 02:38 PM
(03-21-2017, 02:32 PM)Duke.Togo Wrote: CatMan, once you hit 30 days on version A, I think you should try switching over to B. I don't believe you ever did side B of 3.0.1, at least I can't remember you doing it. Hi Duke. I appreciate the comment. I don't know man, with how badly I'm struggling to get any real traction on Version A, Version B could be really bad to try. I'm having enough of a time with Version A and seeing anything real with real girls. I've never tried a Version B of any version, due to my experience of not getting any real signs from girls at all that Version A is punching through. I don't think too many on the forum, if at all, are truly ready for Version B. Certainly not me it seems, my plan was to get Version A working as advertised for at least 6 straight months, THEN switch over to B. We'll see whenever that timer starts.
03-21-2017, 02:48 PM
I remember when you were on 2.5, your voice and writing style changed. I agree, B might be an artillary tank that will rip through your subconscious. But, perhaps that's exactly what you need. You would still be following the instructions, completing 30 days first before trying it.
The way I see it, you have nothing to lose and possibly a lot to gain. Maybe run it for 15 days and then if it proves to be too much, hop back on A. High Risk, High Reward right. ![]() I'll do it with you, I'm currently on day 19, 2 days behind you. It'll be like the buddy system. I want to see this program execute for you brother.
Very kind of you to say.
I do as well. I don't recall much from V2.5, I think V2.3 was non-healing as well. I do remember a lot of negativity and frustration in those earlier versions in my posts, though V3.0.1-A was awful, constant massive exhaustion, derailing my life. That's one thing I'm glad about, I'm not exhausted at all on this, so logic would dictate it's at least partially executing, so then, I don't get why I've still seen nothing good from girls and above and beyond normal. Figures. I do worry about the outbursts and short fuses I've seen with people on Version B. I need maximum composure and professionalism with my company. An outburst can cost me a ton of money. I respect you going to try Version B. I think I'm not ready though, if I was getting more results and signs I'm moving forward with girls, I might be more open. But due to this constant fumbling to see results in reality, and the stakes at my company, it may be too big of a price to pay. Worth thinking about to me, but I'll probably opt to stay doing the clearing and healing. It's annoying...if I had one real life sign...I'd be overjoyed and this would wash away as this would then no longer be the truth/my reality. Not sex, that's light years away, even a girl I'm attracted to asking me on a date, or a kiss somehow although that may not be too practical to want upfront. The date request from a girl I'm attracted to would satisfy me that I'm moving forward. I seem to be continuing this regression that has happened for a long time now. Weird how I felt amazing about my prospects with girls on AM6, SM3 was a massive failure, and ever since I've had this funk, trying to see any kind of real change in the right direction at all with girls in reality. That's a long time, I feel now it's degenerated to: "we'll wait and see, maybe the next version will be the one to break through and show me it's for real.". All the best on Version B and beyond, brother. It's always a pleasure.
03-21-2017, 03:42 PM
If your logic is correct, then obviously, the only reasonable option is to quit DMSI.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
03-21-2017, 03:46 PM
The problem is, there's no other options at this tech level. So what do I listen to after...
Also, it's impossible to know if it will work ever, unless I stay until it actually works in reality, or is cancelled. I don't have a lot of options. That's been considered many times. Even some sporadic clearing and healing somehow somewhere, is better than zero sub use.
03-21-2017, 04:02 PM
I have been getting huge urges to run WM instead of DMSI, mostly cuz I think that the intended goals for WM sound a lot more appealing than DMSI. Just keep pushing through, I guess... DMSI feels way stronger, and that in itself should be promising.
Like snowfall, you cry a silent storm
Your tears paint rivers on this oaken wall. . . -- Agalloch, The Mantle
03-21-2017, 04:09 PM
Hey Kalmah, yeah that was what I said to Shannon, basically.
If this is top tier power, then going to anything else is a waste of time for me, comparatively. Especially since this is being upgraded every few months now, so the best "chance" to get something tangible remains to be here, despite the inactivity from girls up to this point. Ultimately, there's no choice of going off the sub until it's cancelled. As that's the only way to see if it actually works in the end once and for all. One instance of a girl I find attractive around me doing SOMETHING, one time, would fix all of this as that would be irrefutable proof it works on me in reality. The fact that, that hasn't happened after all this time and so many versions, is allowing doubt to fester as that is completely natural given the massive amount of time invested. I guess it continues to be the "wait and see" approach, what I'm all too familiar with since last May and starting this.
03-21-2017, 05:19 PM
That wall of text is depressing. I know that feeling very well, women in pedestal, picking up scraps on the floor that happens to fall off their validation table. Hopeless romantic. Few men getting with most of women. Damn. If all else fails, I hope you run AM at least once a year to help with those.
Hang in there CatMan. |
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