09-15-2020, 08:35 PM
(09-15-2020, 02:08 PM)Omni3 Wrote: Here's where I'm at.
I've been running Overcome Fear 5.75G (OF) since July 5th 2020, I'll be completing my 10th cycle this coming Friday night.
For about the past month I've been experiencing eye problems in my left eye (My main 'seeing' eye) - pain, dryness, itchyness, inflammation, blurred vision. This has been intermittent but consistently repeating every week or few days whilst appearing to clear up.
Initially I thought this was a response to OF as my vision would blur and I had a fear of going blind.
So I've discovered i have some kind of infection. As such I have made the decision to run Maximum Immune Response v3 to help clear this up as a matter of urgency. I've ordered MIR v3 tonight and I'll complete my current cycle of OF and begin MIR v3 on Saturday night.
Once I've cleared this infection I'll resume my OF run. I had full intention of completing OF and avoided the change but this is a priority right now so I am making the switch. If UMS2 is out when I've done my MIR run I may well give it higher priority.
All the best folks.
Wow... I dont find any fault with your decision to run MIR v3. Im looking forward to running that one in 6G when it comes out ,perhaps next year...hope so any way. in the mean time ,I can understand the nature and seriousness of your situation..... I felt too 'that ant-aging- reverse aging-youthing" subliminal that Shannon is planning to build,sometime in the next year and a half after 6G is complete or damn close to it ,will certainly be helpful,understatement,when its finally built and released in 2021/22 sometime.
My plans are
UMS v2 in the late Fall/Early winter 2020( if my hope anyway,release date , wise that is)- at least 6 months on UMS.
(a minimum,more likely 9 to 10 months plus,Im shure!)
MIR v3 or higher by that time- usage: until further notice,usage? a LOT lot lot!!
( either MIR or Universal Healing,which now that I think about it is more than likely what I'll use! or maybe one and then the other,right after!)
Age reversal 6G for shure,until further notice
Alpha Male 7 yes yes yes,have been waiting to use this program for a long long long time. Though Im already an Alpha Male...refinement of my Alpha-ness and the change and growth this powerful program can bring is what Im after.....
Then BAMM 6G.....possibly,if UMS2 hadnt already done the job,which is highly possible considering all the new and rapid techniques and developments coming forth and coming down the pike over the next many weeks and months.
so Im talking over the next 3 to 4 years at least,more like 5.
ALL the best Omni3 hope that you're feeling much much better better very soon. Looking forward to reading your journaling here on MIR v3. OF continues to help me clear more and more fear based stuff, it shure is a great prep'er for UMS v2 and anything else I'd say. Peace and good health. Keith
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"