I think you should get a job as a curiosity adviser for a lego factory.
(it's funny cos none of the new members will have any idea what i'm talking about, but atleast we know).
Cos your posts keep making me more curious about OGSF v3.
I don't think those things are exclusive. I'm thinking this is probably part of what society has taught us, in Australia atleast, not sure about other countries there is this term 'being up yourself' also similar they use stuff like 'that guy loves himself' but in a bad way, for those idiots that walk around trying to act like they are all good, strutting around trying to act tough like their shit don't stink as they say.. when really loving yourself, having self esteem they wouldn't have the need to try to be really loud, annoying, obnoxious, trying to act like fake tough guys (that anyone with experience sees through) and such.
But it's sad how society actually seems to discourage it. What's wrong with having a high opinion of yourself? But a genuine one that you are living up to and helps you reach your full potential?
Definately sounds like v3 is a big difference from v2. Very cool.

Cos your posts keep making me more curious about OGSF v3.
Quote:I seem to be progressing in a manner that is both incredibly high self esteem while being incredibly humble and down to earth (I see the irony here lol).
I don't think those things are exclusive. I'm thinking this is probably part of what society has taught us, in Australia atleast, not sure about other countries there is this term 'being up yourself' also similar they use stuff like 'that guy loves himself' but in a bad way, for those idiots that walk around trying to act like they are all good, strutting around trying to act tough like their shit don't stink as they say.. when really loving yourself, having self esteem they wouldn't have the need to try to be really loud, annoying, obnoxious, trying to act like fake tough guys (that anyone with experience sees through) and such.
But it's sad how society actually seems to discourage it. What's wrong with having a high opinion of yourself? But a genuine one that you are living up to and helps you reach your full potential?
Definately sounds like v3 is a big difference from v2. Very cool.