11-07-2023, 01:58 PM
I'm ten weeks into the program at this point. Lately I have been alternating between simply running my loop, or listening to my loop while using the Objectifying Conceptual Illusion process. It mostly depends on my available time, and personal energy level. In general, I err in favor of a higher level of exposure regarding both audio format and listening time.
I did a loop today using the OCI process. My emotional reactivity was greatly reduced; I was working on some painful early 'memories,' and never even got close to using swear words. It also seems like I am able to be somewhat more centered and present IRL. So, there may be more bumps in the road ahead, but so far, so good.
I did a loop today using the OCI process. My emotional reactivity was greatly reduced; I was working on some painful early 'memories,' and never even got close to using swear words. It also seems like I am able to be somewhat more centered and present IRL. So, there may be more bumps in the road ahead, but so far, so good.
The banquet you enjoy depends on what you bring to the table.