07-13-2014, 02:23 AM
(07-13-2014, 01:34 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote:(07-12-2014, 07:01 PM)AlphaMind Wrote: I don't trust pills for penis health, but I trust pills for vitamins.
Maybe because, the younger me think like "As long as I control these douche bags I'm satisfied" now whenever I look at myself controlling and leading people aren't satisfying enough.
Yes I will hit SM with normal procedure AM > SM, but if IYPS 5G released. Well, the choice is easy
EDIT: Looks like I won't be using IYPS. The http://www.goodlookingloser.com/ website convinced me on doing BathMate. I'll be buying BathMate Hercules
Ah yes, the bathmate. I have it too. It doesn't work too well if your not completely hairless "down there" though. Since I never have time to do a proper 'scaping, I haven't used it yet. But PE is on my list after my financial stuff is handled, so I'll deal with it then. My goal is 12" with 4" girth.
Pills for vitamins are good, but not as good as a veggie powder like Greens+. The reason is because vitamins are condensed and the body ends up pissing a lot of it out. The body absorbs vitamins best when they are in the food they come from, for whatever reason. Greens+ is good for this because it's condensed veggies, providing all the vitamins in the proper delivery package.
As for controlling, you're right. It's not satisfying, nor is it very effective. The best leader is one who leads by example, and allows others the choice at all times. This kind of leader doesn't care if people are following him or not, is self-directed, and provides a "bubble" for other people to freely express and be themselves.
Dude if I were you every time I take a bath I'll fill the bathmate with warm water and let it pump it self. In fact there is a bathmate strap for showering. That's what I do to myself with jelqing. Brushing my teeth in one hand and jelqing in one hand. Every time.
Yes, vitamins pills make our piss more colorful and stink like shit. Unfortunately in my area there is so little choice for branded supplements. That's why I either choose from Ultimate Nutrition or cheap nameless pills.
Yes!! True leader makes new leader. I've become a pointless leader, a leader whenever you aren't in the place will cause confusion to the team. Now I'm stepping myself to teach (indirectly) for others to lead. It's fucking amazing. Now whenever there is a new people joining my circle they always thought the leader is the center until they meet me. Leader of leaders. lol

Ah, for today, I'm enjoying the OAA sound more than BIATBW. I'm trying my best to balance those two. Another thing, I'm using a brainwave entertainment that are purely on radionics. Been long since I'm interested with occult.