(02-01-2011, 09:44 AM)sherkan Wrote: Hi
have you thought about putting up a wish list so we can track what we want?
(02-02-2011, 03:11 PM)Elusive Wrote: I captured an idea.
A scheduler-thing,on the site, that people can use to plan their use of submlimals.
Like this but pretty
It could be from the wishlist, and the user could puzzle the subs around to his content. When exeeding recomendations on how meny Types and 4G are planed on same time, a warnings show, or the background trun from green-yellow-red.Type in a startdate and it shows an aproximal enddate on recommended usage.
With [] I mean a 32 days period(like... feb21,mar25,apr26)
I've been wanting to do this a long time, but it would require a ton of work-mostly from Shannon. It will require a master-list of recommended time usages, which I think will be more realistic to undertake once all subliminals are converted to 4g so we don't constantly have to change them. Combining this master-list with a php app might also be challenging but I bet can be done. I know a lot of colleges use this type of setup to make simulated schedules for students. I definitely want this done at some point, but we'll have to wait until Shannon's schedule clears up. In the mean time, if you know of a php app, script or container that handles this well let me know. If I see it good enough to use, I will give you a big gift certificate. I mean big, $50.
(02-02-2011, 09:19 PM)sherkan Wrote: Dont know if its here i should have tell you this.
The name of the 3 mp3 file in Anger Management 4G is missing a letter "a" in man"a"gement
I fixed the store end, I will check again when I do my monthly FTP cleaning to make sure the files themselves have changed. Thanks!
BTW guys, if you want a gift cert for your suggestion, make sure you PM me your EMAIL of your store account. If I have to look up your email I'm going to be a lot less excited about it and will be less generous

Andrew // Site Architect "Attack its weak point for massive damage" -Giant Enemy Crab