I was in the same boat. I have been running LTU5 these last 2 weeks, and due to a lot of fear, I considered going with E4 solo. Then LTU6 came out, me not expecting such changes in people. The same fear I spoke of before was telling me to isolate myself once again, push people away....just not challenge myself or face fears. And FRM 4.9 was in both.....
But I'd picked up LTU5 a year ago since it's the whole package of what I've been looking for. LTU5 unexpectedly pointed me to look for good in situations and even expect that. It's why I resumed it as of late.
And I changed my mind to go ahead with LTU6, which I bought last night, Stage 1. Listening now, and I feel good.
For you, it's a tossup. Fear removal seems to be your biggest need from my angle. Every single one of your issues I've had and wrestled with almost every day of my adult life. E4 will hit on them, LTU6 will too, but LTU6 will push you a little more to stretch your relational boundaries and understandings. I'm 2ce your age, and I began in counseling and recovery rooms before I was 20. Those fears are crippling, and those early aids didn't resolve them either. Shannon's subs have settled some of them, I've seen progress, and either direction will benefit anyone who starts this direction.
More accurately for me, I jumped on LTU6 since.....I was impatient. Shannon went on vacation for a week, his norm, and I desired to heal. E4 won't be out for 2-3 weeks. So, I made my decision.
I applaud your courage for putting it out there. Let us know which direction you'll take.
I was in the same boat. I have been running LTU5 these last 2 weeks, and due to a lot of fear, I considered going with E4 solo. Then LTU6 came out, me not expecting such changes in people. The same fear I spoke of before was telling me to isolate myself once again, push people away....just not challenge myself or face fears. And FRM 4.9 was in both.....
But I'd picked up LTU5 a year ago since it's the whole package of what I've been looking for. LTU5 unexpectedly pointed me to look for good in situations and even expect that. It's why I resumed it as of late.
And I changed my mind to go ahead with LTU6, which I bought last night, Stage 1. Listening now, and I feel good.
For you, it's a tossup. Fear removal seems to be your biggest need from my angle. Every single one of your issues I've had and wrestled with almost every day of my adult life. E4 will hit on them, LTU6 will too, but LTU6 will push you a little more to stretch your relational boundaries and understandings. I'm 2ce your age, and I began in counseling and recovery rooms before I was 20. Those fears are crippling, and those early aids didn't resolve them either. Shannon's subs have settled some of them, I've seen progress, and either direction will benefit anyone who starts this direction.
More accurately for me, I jumped on LTU6 since.....I was impatient. Shannon went on vacation for a week, his norm, and I desired to heal. E4 won't be out for 2-3 weeks. So, I made my decision.
I applaud your courage for putting it out there. Let us know which direction you'll take.
I want to be FREE!