01-30-2015, 09:54 AM
Hey people, here are some unbiased reviews. Enjoy! 
Absolute Self Confidence 5G:
Potent stuff but too Yang/Masculine/Dopaminergic. I’m already too Dopaminergic so I needed something more balanced instead, a bit of love/gratitude and motivation to use the new found confidence would have been wonderful. Still, it’s free so I have to rate it high:
Rating: 7.5/10
A paying version with rating 10/10 would be something like: Absolute Self-Confidence + (mix of Overcome Fear + OGSF) + Ultra Success + Ultra Motivation + Anti-Stress. I would pay much for a 5G version of it but without that Naturalizer thing which I do not agree with. I’m from the school of thought of “No pain No gain”, “The harder it is the better you will get” so the Naturalizer thing looks like girly stuff to me.
Life Tune-Up v3.1 5G:
Potent Stuff but too Ying/Feminine/Serotonergic. Good stuff if you can Zen up in your life. If you are looking for motivation, drive, confidence, attitude look elsewhere. This one feels almost antagonistic to the Absolute Self Confidence one. I won’t rate it because I didn’t use it long enough but yes, it’s powerful and probably very good at what it aims for.
Seek the Challenge 4G + Overcome Approach Anxiety For Men 4G. (LOOPED one after the other)
Bad ass combo. After a few days I had impulses to approach women everywhere. Maybe having just finished two weeks of ASC also helped it.
Didn’t use it long but the combo seemed extremely powerful.
Rating of both on loop: 8.5/10
After I changed it to 8 hours of Seek the Challenge followed by 8 hours of Overcome Approach Anxiety as advised in the Forums it stopped working or I stopped feeling it, all the impulses stopped and I gave up on it to test other audios.
Rating of both separated: 4/10
Natural Seduction for Men 5G:
This was the second worst of all for me, not only does it not work, it puts me in a completely retarded/dumbed down mental state, like I’m completely stoned. Can’t have any sort of conversation because my mind refuses to work. Basically the opposite of my success and what I teach in Seduction: Hyper relaxed Body/ Super Active mind. (You need all those brain synapses firing to have 1000 answers ready for whatever women say or do, you also need a very relaxed body to control your reactivity, anxiety/tension, fast speech and fast body language which is unattractive). Some strains of Kratom do this Relaxed Body/Active mind wonderfully.
Rating: 0/10
Remove Negativity Within 4G:
What can I say about this one? Well, the more I listened to it the more negative I became. By the end of the first month I was remembering long forgotten negative stuff and I just couldn’t get it out of my head, in fact it got worse everyday, almost obsessive compulsive disorder. I had to stop it for my own sake, if I pushed through I might have done something regretful.
Maybe trying to remove negativity by constantly reminding the brain of negativity is not the way to go.
Rating: 0/10
Positive Thinking & Positive Attitude 4G:
Didn’t use it enough to be sure but it seemed it was working very slowly. It’s probably good stuff, at least the script looks nice. It was supposed to be in Alpha Male 6 but I didn’t feel it at all in it. The 4G was more potent.
Rating: Not enough usage time to rate but looks ok.
Overcoming Fear v1.1 4G:
My personal favorite. Major Stress after day 20, body completely destroyed, ended up in the Hospital because of it. Love it! Haha No pain No gain! Talk about man-up!! This is Spartan stuff.
Psychological Fear Rating: 9/10 | Physiological Fear Rating: 0/10
(Needs Anti-Physical Fear Affirmations Urgently (Anxiety/tension/Deep Breathing, etc)).
I had to add my own Love/Gratitude/AntiStress Subliminal to overcome the Physical stress. I asked a Sound Engineer to create one for me:
NLP type Affirmations to the left ear because the subconscious mind must accept everything; NLP type Afformations to the right ear because the logical mind won’t accept lies, It prefers questions like ”Why do I love myself so much?”. Then Reverse Speech was layered in along with a couple of my own secrets plus a special Brain Entrainment tech.
The result? Something equivalent to a 10G. I almost killed myself the second day from the mindfuck. Can’t possible hear it more than 2 hours/day such is the brutal “beating”.
Problem is that it’s Headphone only tech which is problematic for me.
***Please we need an All-In-One 5G version of: Overcoming Fear + OGSF + Powerful Anti-Stress/Anti-Tension***
“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.” - Buddha
Overcoming Fear v1.1 4G + Everything is Possible 4G
I can’t even rate this one. Strong Acid trip without the psychedelic affects is what I can come up with to define this combo. Extreme emotional roller coast. One minute crying for no reason, the next laughing for God knows what. Total Acid trip. Ahaha love it.
Rating: Don’t know, I stopped it after two weeks but it is possibly one of the best combos.
Alpha Male 6.0 5G. (Usage time: 16Hours/day)
This was a very disappointing one. First month I felt nothing; second month I only experienced major cognitive dissonance, like being suggested contradictory things. So much mental confusion the entire month. No resistance at all, just complete mind f**k, etc. Third month was all about responsibilities I guess, some stress here and there but didn’t get through. Fourth month seemed like Porn related stuff or something. I felt guilt every time I thought of Porn. Still, it was too weak to accomplish anything, I’m still watching Porn at month 6 (and wouldn’t have it any other way. Porn is only a problem for people with low Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Not Testosterone btw! Testosterone is useless for the most part, specially “Total testosterone” levels which only gives side effects like irritability, etc. The only testosterone you want is “Free Testosterone” and even that one is nothing compared with DHT. My Test levels are near 0 and I can watch porn and have sex 4 or more times a day at age 36).
Anyway, back to the review. Fifth month came and went and all I felt was lowering of motivation for the most part. Sixth month is about finished and I’m feeling basically the same as month 5. I’m feeling stressed these last days but it’s all it does, makes me feel stressed, no change in anything else. In most things my behavior is worse than what it was before I started Alpha Male 6.0.
Maybe trying to make me feel guilty about porn and other stuff at the same time as trying to suggest I don’t feel guilty about anything (OGSF) is the real problem with the cognitive dissonance/contradictory stuff.
Anyway, I was doing this one only because I wanted to do the Women Magnet but after feeling like this one did nothing I lost all interest in doing more multi-stage audios. I don’t believe in changing audio at day 32 because you need 90 days to create a new habit, subliminal or not. I teach this. Besides, having to count the hours I listen to every month so that all months have the same listening time is a mega pain in the but for me. You need Excel sheet and you can never forget to hit the play/pause button at the same time every day… it’s not viable for me.
I would rather this was 3 stages of 3 months each (total 9 months). 1st stage – Negative stuff (Fears, Self-Doubt, Stress, etc; 2nd stage – Neutral Stuff (Procrastination, ultra-success, seek the challenge, etc); 3rd stage – Positive Stuff (Positive thinking, winners mindset, etc).
Even better would be:
1st stage – 60% Negative|30% Neutral | 10% Positive
2nd stage – 20% Negative | 60 % neutral | 20% Positive
3rd Stage – 10% Negative | 30% neutral | 60% Positive
As it is Rating: 2/10 (I should warn that there are lots of people to whom AM6 didn’t work outside of this forum. For some reason they are afraid to say it… Well, people, if you say everything is fine nothing will ever improve, you’re not helping anyone by remaining silent).
So. To resume it all. I like most audios even though I find most are incomplete in some way.
I’ll be returning: Alpha Male 6 and Remove Negativity Within 4G. I’ll test NSFM a bit more in conjunction with other tools to see if I get it working.
I’ll be reviewing more or updating ratings as soon as I end Alpha Male 6.0 in a few days and start something else.
Also, if the Tech evolves into something we can call “Wow” I can use my connections to make whoever creates the audios a millionaire, easily. Speakers only though, Headphones are not viable to what I have in mind.
Take care people
PS: In case you didn't know:
I Wonder If Positive Questioning Works Better Than Affirming?
Recent research offers hints of a technique that solves the affirmation-kickback problem and confirms an even earlier NLP approach.
Ibrahim Senay, Dolores Albarracín and Kenji Noguchi at the University of Illinois gave research subjects challenging tasks, and had them say one of two very different type of comment to themselves before starting. One type of comment was "I will do this" (an affirmation). The other was "Will I do this?" (a question). In several different experiments, the results were the same. Those who asked the question were more motivated, more focused and more successful. Furthermore, they reported different subsequent thinking about their goals. In one study, for example, subjects had a goal of going to the gym regularly. Those instructed to say "I will" reported later that they felt motivated (for example) "Because I would feel guilty or ashamed of myself if I did not," whereas those instructed to say "Will I?" reported that they felt motivated (for example) "Because I want to take more responsibility for my own health." In NLP terms, the affirmations had a kickback effect of producing away from motivation, whereas the questions produced towards motivation. The researchers noted that questions open the person to possibilities while affirmations close the mind to other choices. Questioning invites you to explore; affirmation tells you what is and ignores the ability to find unexpected or more useful results.
This questioning style of internal dialogue has been under-reported in NLP, but we can see it in Milton Erickson's work. Milton Erickson continuously quotes his own internal dialogue before any new success as "I was wondering..." He does not use self-affirmations, he uses self-questioning. For example in his collected works, in a discussion with Ernest Rossi, he mentions how he developed the ability to write whole articles during his sleep, unconsciously. He says "I wondered if I could write editorials. If I did not recognize my words on the printed page, that would tell me there was a lot more in my head than I realized. Then I had my proof that I was brighter than I knew." (Erickson, p 7) Later, he describes how he gave himself a transcendent personal experience: "I was in the backyard a year ago in the summertime. I was, wondering what far-out experiences I'd like to have. As I puzzled over that, I noticed that I was sitting out in the middle of nowhere. I was an object in space....It was the most far-out thing I could do!" (Erickson, p 21).
One NLP process that installs a useful questioning style as a meta-strategy in a challenging situation is the Core Questions Process described by Steve Andreas in his new book "Help With Negative Self Talk" (Andreas, 2010, p 82). The basic idea of this process is that we are continuously sorting our experience / deciding how to respond by asking ourselves unconscious questions. Sometimes these questions are structured so that they deliver only unhelpful answers (like, for example "Why does this always happen to me?"). You can identify such unhelpful questions and install more useful questions that are better designed to meet your intention. My own version of this installation process follows as an appendix.
Self-affirmation is a language pattern developed long before NLP, and research as well as NLP indicates some cautions about its use. Affirmations work best when they refer to specific positive elements of a person's current experience which are acceptable in their current model of the world. Even there, affirmations state a fixed idea, and self-questions may provide a more useful and forward moving replacement for unhelpful internal dialogue. Self questioning is explored in more detail in Steve Andreas recent book "Help With Negative Self Talk".
Much love

Absolute Self Confidence 5G:
Potent stuff but too Yang/Masculine/Dopaminergic. I’m already too Dopaminergic so I needed something more balanced instead, a bit of love/gratitude and motivation to use the new found confidence would have been wonderful. Still, it’s free so I have to rate it high:
Rating: 7.5/10
A paying version with rating 10/10 would be something like: Absolute Self-Confidence + (mix of Overcome Fear + OGSF) + Ultra Success + Ultra Motivation + Anti-Stress. I would pay much for a 5G version of it but without that Naturalizer thing which I do not agree with. I’m from the school of thought of “No pain No gain”, “The harder it is the better you will get” so the Naturalizer thing looks like girly stuff to me.

Life Tune-Up v3.1 5G:
Potent Stuff but too Ying/Feminine/Serotonergic. Good stuff if you can Zen up in your life. If you are looking for motivation, drive, confidence, attitude look elsewhere. This one feels almost antagonistic to the Absolute Self Confidence one. I won’t rate it because I didn’t use it long enough but yes, it’s powerful and probably very good at what it aims for.
Seek the Challenge 4G + Overcome Approach Anxiety For Men 4G. (LOOPED one after the other)
Bad ass combo. After a few days I had impulses to approach women everywhere. Maybe having just finished two weeks of ASC also helped it.
Didn’t use it long but the combo seemed extremely powerful.
Rating of both on loop: 8.5/10
After I changed it to 8 hours of Seek the Challenge followed by 8 hours of Overcome Approach Anxiety as advised in the Forums it stopped working or I stopped feeling it, all the impulses stopped and I gave up on it to test other audios.
Rating of both separated: 4/10
Natural Seduction for Men 5G:
This was the second worst of all for me, not only does it not work, it puts me in a completely retarded/dumbed down mental state, like I’m completely stoned. Can’t have any sort of conversation because my mind refuses to work. Basically the opposite of my success and what I teach in Seduction: Hyper relaxed Body/ Super Active mind. (You need all those brain synapses firing to have 1000 answers ready for whatever women say or do, you also need a very relaxed body to control your reactivity, anxiety/tension, fast speech and fast body language which is unattractive). Some strains of Kratom do this Relaxed Body/Active mind wonderfully.

Rating: 0/10
Remove Negativity Within 4G:
What can I say about this one? Well, the more I listened to it the more negative I became. By the end of the first month I was remembering long forgotten negative stuff and I just couldn’t get it out of my head, in fact it got worse everyday, almost obsessive compulsive disorder. I had to stop it for my own sake, if I pushed through I might have done something regretful.
Maybe trying to remove negativity by constantly reminding the brain of negativity is not the way to go.
Rating: 0/10
Positive Thinking & Positive Attitude 4G:
Didn’t use it enough to be sure but it seemed it was working very slowly. It’s probably good stuff, at least the script looks nice. It was supposed to be in Alpha Male 6 but I didn’t feel it at all in it. The 4G was more potent.
Rating: Not enough usage time to rate but looks ok.
Overcoming Fear v1.1 4G:
My personal favorite. Major Stress after day 20, body completely destroyed, ended up in the Hospital because of it. Love it! Haha No pain No gain! Talk about man-up!! This is Spartan stuff.
Psychological Fear Rating: 9/10 | Physiological Fear Rating: 0/10
(Needs Anti-Physical Fear Affirmations Urgently (Anxiety/tension/Deep Breathing, etc)).
I had to add my own Love/Gratitude/AntiStress Subliminal to overcome the Physical stress. I asked a Sound Engineer to create one for me:
NLP type Affirmations to the left ear because the subconscious mind must accept everything; NLP type Afformations to the right ear because the logical mind won’t accept lies, It prefers questions like ”Why do I love myself so much?”. Then Reverse Speech was layered in along with a couple of my own secrets plus a special Brain Entrainment tech.
The result? Something equivalent to a 10G. I almost killed myself the second day from the mindfuck. Can’t possible hear it more than 2 hours/day such is the brutal “beating”.
Problem is that it’s Headphone only tech which is problematic for me.

***Please we need an All-In-One 5G version of: Overcoming Fear + OGSF + Powerful Anti-Stress/Anti-Tension***
“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.” - Buddha
Overcoming Fear v1.1 4G + Everything is Possible 4G
I can’t even rate this one. Strong Acid trip without the psychedelic affects is what I can come up with to define this combo. Extreme emotional roller coast. One minute crying for no reason, the next laughing for God knows what. Total Acid trip. Ahaha love it.
Rating: Don’t know, I stopped it after two weeks but it is possibly one of the best combos.
Alpha Male 6.0 5G. (Usage time: 16Hours/day)
This was a very disappointing one. First month I felt nothing; second month I only experienced major cognitive dissonance, like being suggested contradictory things. So much mental confusion the entire month. No resistance at all, just complete mind f**k, etc. Third month was all about responsibilities I guess, some stress here and there but didn’t get through. Fourth month seemed like Porn related stuff or something. I felt guilt every time I thought of Porn. Still, it was too weak to accomplish anything, I’m still watching Porn at month 6 (and wouldn’t have it any other way. Porn is only a problem for people with low Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Not Testosterone btw! Testosterone is useless for the most part, specially “Total testosterone” levels which only gives side effects like irritability, etc. The only testosterone you want is “Free Testosterone” and even that one is nothing compared with DHT. My Test levels are near 0 and I can watch porn and have sex 4 or more times a day at age 36).
Anyway, back to the review. Fifth month came and went and all I felt was lowering of motivation for the most part. Sixth month is about finished and I’m feeling basically the same as month 5. I’m feeling stressed these last days but it’s all it does, makes me feel stressed, no change in anything else. In most things my behavior is worse than what it was before I started Alpha Male 6.0.
Maybe trying to make me feel guilty about porn and other stuff at the same time as trying to suggest I don’t feel guilty about anything (OGSF) is the real problem with the cognitive dissonance/contradictory stuff.
Anyway, I was doing this one only because I wanted to do the Women Magnet but after feeling like this one did nothing I lost all interest in doing more multi-stage audios. I don’t believe in changing audio at day 32 because you need 90 days to create a new habit, subliminal or not. I teach this. Besides, having to count the hours I listen to every month so that all months have the same listening time is a mega pain in the but for me. You need Excel sheet and you can never forget to hit the play/pause button at the same time every day… it’s not viable for me.
I would rather this was 3 stages of 3 months each (total 9 months). 1st stage – Negative stuff (Fears, Self-Doubt, Stress, etc; 2nd stage – Neutral Stuff (Procrastination, ultra-success, seek the challenge, etc); 3rd stage – Positive Stuff (Positive thinking, winners mindset, etc).
Even better would be:
1st stage – 60% Negative|30% Neutral | 10% Positive
2nd stage – 20% Negative | 60 % neutral | 20% Positive
3rd Stage – 10% Negative | 30% neutral | 60% Positive
As it is Rating: 2/10 (I should warn that there are lots of people to whom AM6 didn’t work outside of this forum. For some reason they are afraid to say it… Well, people, if you say everything is fine nothing will ever improve, you’re not helping anyone by remaining silent).
So. To resume it all. I like most audios even though I find most are incomplete in some way.
I’ll be returning: Alpha Male 6 and Remove Negativity Within 4G. I’ll test NSFM a bit more in conjunction with other tools to see if I get it working.
I’ll be reviewing more or updating ratings as soon as I end Alpha Male 6.0 in a few days and start something else.
Also, if the Tech evolves into something we can call “Wow” I can use my connections to make whoever creates the audios a millionaire, easily. Speakers only though, Headphones are not viable to what I have in mind.
Take care people
PS: In case you didn't know:
I Wonder If Positive Questioning Works Better Than Affirming?
Recent research offers hints of a technique that solves the affirmation-kickback problem and confirms an even earlier NLP approach.
Ibrahim Senay, Dolores Albarracín and Kenji Noguchi at the University of Illinois gave research subjects challenging tasks, and had them say one of two very different type of comment to themselves before starting. One type of comment was "I will do this" (an affirmation). The other was "Will I do this?" (a question). In several different experiments, the results were the same. Those who asked the question were more motivated, more focused and more successful. Furthermore, they reported different subsequent thinking about their goals. In one study, for example, subjects had a goal of going to the gym regularly. Those instructed to say "I will" reported later that they felt motivated (for example) "Because I would feel guilty or ashamed of myself if I did not," whereas those instructed to say "Will I?" reported that they felt motivated (for example) "Because I want to take more responsibility for my own health." In NLP terms, the affirmations had a kickback effect of producing away from motivation, whereas the questions produced towards motivation. The researchers noted that questions open the person to possibilities while affirmations close the mind to other choices. Questioning invites you to explore; affirmation tells you what is and ignores the ability to find unexpected or more useful results.
This questioning style of internal dialogue has been under-reported in NLP, but we can see it in Milton Erickson's work. Milton Erickson continuously quotes his own internal dialogue before any new success as "I was wondering..." He does not use self-affirmations, he uses self-questioning. For example in his collected works, in a discussion with Ernest Rossi, he mentions how he developed the ability to write whole articles during his sleep, unconsciously. He says "I wondered if I could write editorials. If I did not recognize my words on the printed page, that would tell me there was a lot more in my head than I realized. Then I had my proof that I was brighter than I knew." (Erickson, p 7) Later, he describes how he gave himself a transcendent personal experience: "I was in the backyard a year ago in the summertime. I was, wondering what far-out experiences I'd like to have. As I puzzled over that, I noticed that I was sitting out in the middle of nowhere. I was an object in space....It was the most far-out thing I could do!" (Erickson, p 21).
One NLP process that installs a useful questioning style as a meta-strategy in a challenging situation is the Core Questions Process described by Steve Andreas in his new book "Help With Negative Self Talk" (Andreas, 2010, p 82). The basic idea of this process is that we are continuously sorting our experience / deciding how to respond by asking ourselves unconscious questions. Sometimes these questions are structured so that they deliver only unhelpful answers (like, for example "Why does this always happen to me?"). You can identify such unhelpful questions and install more useful questions that are better designed to meet your intention. My own version of this installation process follows as an appendix.
Self-affirmation is a language pattern developed long before NLP, and research as well as NLP indicates some cautions about its use. Affirmations work best when they refer to specific positive elements of a person's current experience which are acceptable in their current model of the world. Even there, affirmations state a fixed idea, and self-questions may provide a more useful and forward moving replacement for unhelpful internal dialogue. Self questioning is explored in more detail in Steve Andreas recent book "Help With Negative Self Talk".
Much love