11-27-2015, 11:37 PM
(11-27-2015, 08:56 PM)gelimang Wrote: What about MLS packed in BASE 2.1 program?
Are they have this rockin' effect like this standalone program?
I'd like to buy it for my sister to help her study about stocks..
In one of the BASE 2.1 journals, someone mentioned that they noticed increased learning after listening to it for 3 months. (I don't have the time to search for it) They said they wanted to run MLS 5G as a stand alone because it was recently built with newer technology.
The wonderful thing about MLS 5G is you can listen to it while you are studying! MLS 5G should help your sister learn about stocks. She might surprise you and get her license to become a stock broker or financial planner!!!

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When you imagine something vividly... your subconscious will bring it into reality.