02-23-2017, 03:54 PM
Maximum Healing Speed 5.5G
-Eternity said this here
Quote:...BTW my mom is doing really well on MHS. She hadn't gotten sick in the entire time she has been using it, which is a miracle because she typically gets sick every other week. She's regained a fair bit of mobility from her injury that occurred last year. She's been doing physical therapy for the past year and although it has helped her, the subliminal allowed her to regain 20-30% mobility in her arms in 2 weeks. Traditional therapy had barely given her 10% of her mobility back in 1 year.
She looks a lot younger. She's 48 and always looked fairly young for her age, but now if her and I were in public together, it would be difficult to tell she's old enough to be my mother. Her conversation style has also switched a bit. There's less victim mentality in the way she speaks. I KNOW that her native mindset was conducive to illness. In fact, I've been certain she has been causing her own ailments with her unhealthy thoughts. The sub seems to have worked on that. I can't tell what's going on in her mind, but the way she carries conversation is significantly different, enough for me to confidently report that I believe the sub worked on her hypochondriac tendencies.
She told me last week that she could actually FEEL the knots in her shoulders releasing themselves while listening to the sub.
This is good stuff Shannon. I'm really tempted to run it myself, just seeing how it is affecting my mom...
-Eternity said this here