10-31-2018, 10:05 AM
(10-30-2018, 12:32 PM)Shannon Wrote: 1. There are no limits but those you accept or create for yourself.
2. USLM1 was more quickly effective and obvious because it magnified the user's success and "luck" without going all out to do so, and because of this, we have a similar situation to the Generation Wars, where some people are reporting that 4G > 5G > 5.5G.
The fact is, the closer to achieving your full potential you come the more likely it is to conflict with some deep belief and result in fear, resistance and sabotage, even reversal.
As we saw, some people were stonewalling and even reverse resisting USLM1! That is part of why I created USLM2, and released v2 of the FRM in it.
I tried to create FRM v2 in such a way that the fears would, from the point of view of the user, simply be removed. That did not work using the methods I had available to me at the time, based on my knowledge of how this works at the time. That the FRM works is not in doubt, but it is not without fear, resistance and sabotage reactions of its own (yet). It takes time., but it's design is theoretically impossible to fully defeat. It should be just a matter of time.
Now, while FRM is busy removing those fears that prevent you from achieving your maximum potential for success and "luck" through the script, you may or may not experience the effects of the rest of the script.
There have been times when I felt terrible, neutral, and high on life on USLM2. (Have not had time to really pay attention to my own USLM2 journal.)
The fact is, FRM v2 is directly working to remove the reasons why you don't experience the maximum of your potentials for achieving the goals of the script, and while it does, again, you may not be executing the rest of the script.
I will tell you this, though: when you start executing the USLM2 script fully, that "high on life" feeling is many times better and more than it was on USLM1. Truly amazing.
But as I said to begin with, the only limits you have are those you accept for yourself, or create for yourself.
Incredibly clear answer and erasing my doubt. I almost go back to USLM because my experience in USLM2 is not so 'pleasant', but now I'll keep going, let the chips fall where they may 'eh. Gotcha