01-06-2016, 07:23 PM
I'm going to give you the honest straight to the point perspective. AM6 is purging you of negativity. I know you are aware that this whole entire time you are being yourself, and the sub is helping improvement. So how would you feel a person isn't giving affection to the real you? It's not only you, even I can feel like shit sometimes listening to these subs, but I don't resist where it takes me. It's MY subconcious carrying out the instructions. It's you that is making use of performance enhancing drugs. You're being hard on yourself but you deserve women's love, because you are being yourself. The world is not over, life goes on. However if you keep up with this self depreciating attitude, I know of many cases where guys predicted that they wouldn't live past 21 and that was their reality. We know better than that though. Don't we?