Didn't end up doing much today but I feel the new information of this stage settling in. Had some very vivid dreams, while the tv was on seems like the show was mixing with my dreams. A football game mixed with candy lazers and swag interesting
Other guys seem to be responding more aggressive to me. For example i would be standing in line, then step out to grab a pack of gum and they would cut infront. It's not a long line and I was in no particular hurry so I allowed it to happen. Obviously this persons intention wasn't pure. I guess when people are put into a corner in their mind they react abnormally
It seems my confidence and positivity has increased towards women. I don't have to do much except talk about how stupid the Pokemon go game they're playing is and they talk about sex. Some women that are infatuated or just want to know if you're right to have sex with will say "do you expect to marry this nationality in the future?" Answer this question right and you got game
Other guys seem to be responding more aggressive to me. For example i would be standing in line, then step out to grab a pack of gum and they would cut infront. It's not a long line and I was in no particular hurry so I allowed it to happen. Obviously this persons intention wasn't pure. I guess when people are put into a corner in their mind they react abnormally
It seems my confidence and positivity has increased towards women. I don't have to do much except talk about how stupid the Pokemon go game they're playing is and they talk about sex. Some women that are infatuated or just want to know if you're right to have sex with will say "do you expect to marry this nationality in the future?" Answer this question right and you got game