08-05-2019, 02:50 AM
I'm finding it hard to move past whatever this block is for LTU. It feels like the next step up, but I feel almost repelled from it. I went to a minimal techno show last night and while I was listening to the music I started imagining myself up there performing. It felt right to me, felt like what I should be doing in my life. The show went late and I was dead tired the next day. I crashed at my friend's place then went home in the afternoon. Even though I was tired I was filled with so much inspiration for my music that I started something new. And I put it together in the most raw way possible, I didn't even get the tempo set right. I was just doing it all by feel. I realized my fear of where to go next in a track or what to do is what I've experienced as writer's block. It's not that I lacked ideas but rather I was too afraid to explore.