Hmm not much activity in the forums, or maybe what I'm posting is not interesting?
Balls, I say.
I'm just going to keep things short and sweet when I notice them.
So yesterday I saw many people who i haven't seen in a while. During the winters, it's fucking cold up here. So people don't get to see each other, only the closest of friends did i bother keeping contact with.
These people were women that I have known before I started the AM2011. The change in my attitude I think was amazing and attractive to many of these girls. One girl has been in my class since last semester, and i got her phone number. We're both really busy so I don't know when I'll get a chance to use it. Another one seemed particularly more flirty than usual. One girl who I hung out with once, now has a boyfriend, accentuated her gigantic breasts towards me by crossing her arms underneath them, despite her boyfriend being right next to her. She told me that I should call her so we could hang out. Now the little "IOI" to me was nothing more than a little IOI but I thought that was really interesting to see.
Stage 3, just like the description says, brings out the big guns. I'm dangerously confident around the people I already know. New people? Not sure about them yet, I usually allow myself to be known and leave it up to them to decide if they would like to get to know me (unless they're asses).
Oh and one last thing, I've been smiling a ton more. Life is good, minus all the papers I have to write!
Balls, I say.
I'm just going to keep things short and sweet when I notice them.
So yesterday I saw many people who i haven't seen in a while. During the winters, it's fucking cold up here. So people don't get to see each other, only the closest of friends did i bother keeping contact with.
These people were women that I have known before I started the AM2011. The change in my attitude I think was amazing and attractive to many of these girls. One girl has been in my class since last semester, and i got her phone number. We're both really busy so I don't know when I'll get a chance to use it. Another one seemed particularly more flirty than usual. One girl who I hung out with once, now has a boyfriend, accentuated her gigantic breasts towards me by crossing her arms underneath them, despite her boyfriend being right next to her. She told me that I should call her so we could hang out. Now the little "IOI" to me was nothing more than a little IOI but I thought that was really interesting to see.
Stage 3, just like the description says, brings out the big guns. I'm dangerously confident around the people I already know. New people? Not sure about them yet, I usually allow myself to be known and leave it up to them to decide if they would like to get to know me (unless they're asses).
Oh and one last thing, I've been smiling a ton more. Life is good, minus all the papers I have to write!