(10-19-2015, 03:17 AM)AlphaMind Wrote: I can't stand this baseless assumption.
First, who create these audio? Shannon, then logically speaking who knows the best use? Shannon.
Who want the best results? Us. How do we earn the best results? Following the instructions.
Who create the instructions? Shannon. Who knows the A-to-Z and calculate ALL the measures of these audios? Shannon.
Seriously, adults, please?
At what level are these baseless assumptions. You jump to Shannon as the be all know all, what we are talking about is experimentation in a system that hasn't changed in over 7 years. Surely even Shannon can see some weight behind the theory that repeated listens can be incorporated into shorter sessions especially since he has seen the difference in power of the subs over the years. The idea of a first run through at shorter timeframes is purely a hypothesis but repeat listens can surely merit this
And how do you know the best results for a sub like sm come from following the rules do you have an example of someone who has tried otherwise. Even Shannon has not ran the sub, his perception is that of an observer reading journals, hence why experimentation is a viable option and in 27 days I shall begin experimentation, anyone else willing to put themselves at risk for the development of the programs may join me