08-27-2017, 05:01 PM
After writing that post I guess it stirred up some more stuff in me. For most of my life I've put others needs above my own. I thought I was being virtuous or something, but it turns out I never learned that it was ok to put myself first. There's nothing wrong with helping others, but my problem was I derived some sense of worth from being this perceived "good" person. So anytime I wanted to say no or consider myself I'd feel terrible.
This is really basic and essential stuff needed to build a healthy relationship with oneself and I guess I never really got it. Still learning this stuff on an emotional level. It makes sense on a more intellectual one. A lot of things in my life do, but that doesn't mean I understand them fully.
This is really basic and essential stuff needed to build a healthy relationship with oneself and I guess I never really got it. Still learning this stuff on an emotional level. It makes sense on a more intellectual one. A lot of things in my life do, but that doesn't mean I understand them fully.