08-02-2017, 06:32 AM
Quote:I hear you. I'm very much this way myself. Always wanting to find an "edge", learn all I can about things, try to improve based on what I learn. It can be an obsession for sure.
But I think it's important to realize that if something is working, trying to improve it can f*ck things up. Like trying to put rocket fuel in a common car. It's not going to improve it at all. Even though the principle seems sound (better fuel = better performance, right?) in reality, it's NOT better.
I think better is what is perfect FOR THE SITUATION/or the person, hence why one thing can work for one person and not another.
Having said that, I think the right balance is to do what works, till you find a better way that works. Hard to explai but basically, you don't abandon what works for a theory, if the theory doesn't work in reality. Again: reality (the external results) are the objective truth. At least, that's how I see it.
I don't think an argument could be made for things working that don't produce results.
Now, all this has me thinking of a book I read a while ago. It's actually quite good and focuses on the whole "theory vs. practice" thing. Maybe not entirely about "what is the TRUTH" but it is about that balance I'm talking about.
The book is called "The Inner Game of Tennis"
Yeah you raise a good point. Admittedly that's definitely one of my weaknesses. Too much theory, not enough application. Also probably too much thinking in general.
I'll have to pick up that book too. Looks interesting and like it could apply to a lot of things.
Quote:Lol, that's hilarious. I'm not surprised at all. XD
Hmm, your "bored" outlook is similar (I think) to how mine is when I'm not in a creative/productive state.
The solution for me wasn't to search for alternative realities, but to find that spark of passion and emotional engagement with others and my work/mission.
Once I did that, things became awesome again. I didn't get all my dreams and wishes lol, that would be BS, what I did get was a 3D and in full color experience of life vs a bland, black and white model.
I think it just has to do with focus and having lost your way.
Perhaps you need to re-connect with the things you love to experience/do.
That's definitely something I can relate to. Yeah my life has been very monotonous lately. I'm working a part time retail job so the scheduling is erratic and makes it hard to plan. Been focusing on getting up on my feet financially and landing a better job, but it hasn't left me much room for my music which is what I care about the most. I guess I've just been trying to escape the reality of things because my values and the culture I'm surrounded by don't align with them. Basically trying to figure out how I can be happy doing my own thing vs following what everyone else says I should do. Again theory vs application, ideas aren't worth a damn if they can't be implemented into my life otherwise I could spend all day daydreaming about stuff.
DMSI update. Was at work yesterday and this cute girl is looking around. Ask her if she needed help with anything. She might have been attracted to me, hard to tell in these customer service positions. But I sure as hell was attracted to her. She seemed to have a bit of trouble speaking around me, like she knew what she wanted to say in her brain but the words didn't come out right.
Still not fully aligned with the whole "being attractive" reality. I've been told I'm pretty good looking, but I never really saw it myself. Whenever I see interest I'm thinking to myself why? Rather than ok this is cool, let's see what happens. Gonna have to work on that one a bit.