11-07-2017, 11:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2017, 11:21 PM by SargeMaximus.)
(11-07-2017, 10:17 PM)Ars0n1sT Wrote: Lol thanks for your response Sarge. Can anyone expand upon this?
I can, I just didn't want to give unsolicitated advice.
(11-07-2017, 10:17 PM)Ars0n1sT Wrote: Offer some insight or tips?I don't know what kind of anxiety or panic attacks you're having, but mine have always come in the form of hypochondriac or fear of death.
The hypochondriac I counter by telling myself it's far more likely that there's nothing wrong with me. Over the years I just got used to it and now I can pretty much ignore the unfounded fears.
Fear of death is a harder one. I don't have it all the time, but I do every so often and it sucks. I REALLY don't want to die.

I guess some things you just gotta accept (like death) and find a way to deal.
(11-07-2017, 10:17 PM)Ars0n1sT Wrote: I can't put it in words or make sense of the source of the anxiety. Its coming from all angles. Also, NoFap... fuuck
Yeah I can relate. Everything is getting tossed around internally for me on DMSI (not so much now that I'm back on AM). Just gotta weather the storm.
Try to figure out WHY you have the anxiety, and deal with it as best you can.
For me, a lot of anxiety came from realizing (instead of ignoring?) certain truths.
For example, I had anxiety about my social skills, so I got a social skills coach and a ton of books, watched youtube videos, did everything I could to get better. Now the anxiety isn't as bad because I'm seeing progress.
Same with my physical issues. I'm skinny, and I'm afraid if I get good with girls, guys will bully or attack me. The solution there is to go to the gym, bulk up, learn martial arts, but also not to be looking for fights and learn how to peacefully co-exist with people so fighting is a last resort. Staying away from violent people is also a good solution.
Stuff like that.
Hope that helps.