12-02-2016, 09:11 AM
(12-02-2016, 06:29 AM)FREAK4LIFE Wrote:(12-01-2016, 06:16 PM)maxx55 Wrote: Thanks for the support guys.
I just wanted to end this journal with some good news since today was much better than the rest of the week.
Well, long story short, I ended up actually meeting a new girl. And yes, she's attractive. I've seen her around and wanted to talk to her but never did. We ended up exchanging numbers, and yes that's all I had time for. Details below.
I got on one shuttle and I saw her sitting on the bus stop waiting for the next one. I made an excuse to the driver that I had to get off. I walked back around and the next one was there waiting and she had gotten on it. Oddly enough, this driver usually doesn't wait at the stop. I know because I've seen him quickly pull off time and time again soon after coming to the stop. Anyway today, he waited. I got on and sat diagonally across from the girl. My heart rate sped up (this has only happened recently since starting DMSI when I think about approaching a new girl). After hesitating, I decided to just do it, especially since no one else was on the bus.
I asked her about the art she had next to her. She told me it wasn't hers and that she just bought it. We soon got into a conversation about art and I mentioned I appreciate the arts in general because of my major. She soon asked me for my name. I got up and moved to be about directly across from her, shook her hand, and she introduced herself. In my experience if a girl asks for your name, that's the hookpoint. It's her first semester in college, she asked me how long I've been there and I told her 4 yrs. She works with films. And I ended up saying that if she wanted to work on a film with me or anything, I'd be down and offered to exchange numbers, she said sure. I told her to put her number in my phone and I'd text her my name, maybe she didn't catch all that, but after she put her number in my phone, she handed me her phone to put my number in directly. So either she didn't want to wait for me to text her or she just misheard. By this point I noticed that she seemed like she was at least a bit nervous. Nervous but comfortable at the same time. She asked me questions and continued the conversation, but sometimes it seemed like she was at a loss of words after answering one of my questions. Anyway, she said that she was glad to meet me when she got off at her stop. Afterwards, I thought that maybe I could have made more specific plans. But I'm rusty so I'm not upset at myself.
Immediately after she gets off the bus, one of the girls who had gotten on the bus during our convo starts talking to me asking me about my major. We talked about the film industry a lot and it was just an enjoyable convo. We got off at the same stop but went separate directions and said it was nice to meet me and I told her the same. I wasn't attracted to her so I didn't go further.
After this, I thought "Hmm...yesterday I said the universe didn't have my back when it came to girls...maybe it wanted to show me differently." I think the universe may have helped with all the variables lining up for us to have an actual conversation.
Just to be clear, the results I experienced with that girl were not out of the ordinary for me, pre-subs. BUT the co-incidence of us even being able to have a conversation was morth mentioning.
Is it the kind of film where you and her get buck naked and bump uglies?
Who knows, we'll see!