01-18-2014, 10:55 AM
look for the girls with open body language or sending you signals. check out Aaron Sleazy's books on amazon or his site. you'll be fine
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
01-18-2014, 10:55 AM
look for the girls with open body language or sending you signals. check out Aaron Sleazy's books on amazon or his site. you'll be fine
01-19-2014, 01:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-19-2014, 01:31 AM by FluffyBunny.)
Stratos : whats that book about ?
----- Went to a salsa dance party. it was GREAT ! i had so much fun dancing with one girl at one point kinda funny me: did u drink? her: no me: oh ur face is really red.. her: oh its just really hot in here like cause were dancing me: oh yah man its really hot in here . ( i think im trolling ) HAHAHA like 10 seconds after in the middle of the song her: phew its really hot i need to go get a drink of water.. me : oh ok.. had some amazing flirting with this one other girl , best i ever ever have..so surprised because shes not even close to my "ideal" look im looking for in a girl... never felt this way with a girl before.. ever...honestly i felt like im in love with her right after i left i realize how good that feeling was. but then i dont feel like having sex with her at all ... what the hell is this ? LOL then kinda... had a boner with this one other girl while i was dancing with her just looking at her eyes. it was just a light tiny boner for like a second... end up getting her number and left. she was more then happy to give it to me lol this one girl.. i asked one question she ends up giving me 50 answers... i just kept on nodding for fun... seem to have zero fear... entire night. didnt even care that muched about girls ... i went excepting there to just be ugly girls lol... hahahaaha i think i have achieve social god mode 24/7 now ... let me see how many days i can keep this up.... and to see if i found and figure out how to keep it constant.. i didnt even look or care to check if any girl is having eye contact with me and all that crap... i just ...enjoyed the night . everyone danced with everyone cause its salsa . honestly all u needed is a pair of balls the size of peanuts , and u can have a good night tonite. all u gotta do is ask girls to dance with u any girl will say yes... but my balls are the size of soccer balls... so it was a walk in the park for me lol . all i do is say hey , held out my hand and smirk , they always grab it ..
I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise, because I've been foolish.
01-19-2014, 03:07 AM
how to notice the girls who are actually open to you
01-22-2014, 12:31 AM
anyone feel bad for using subs to get results???
its like a feeling of... "cause i use subs im getting better results" and im feeling bad about it because its like ... how u word this... =_= maybe its like cause i didnt work hard for it???? or its something like ... without it i wouldnt be getting these responses... and that idea just feels very weird... ?
I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise, because I've been foolish.
01-22-2014, 12:49 AM
Hey Fluffybunny,
personally I never considerd using subliminals as something bad , negativ or unfair in obtaining a specifik result. I consider them more like vehicles, which bring me from point A to B. For example if I want to travel to the USA i would have to either use a plane or boat, since there is no other way. Also thinking that you didnt work hard for it seems unreasonable. You had to do multiple steps like finding the Website, purchasing the product and then commit to using it for a long time everysingle day and night. Besides they are open to be used by everyone, so with eneugh commitmend almost everyone could get the desired result.
01-22-2014, 01:07 AM
(01-22-2014, 12:31 AM)FluffyBunny Wrote: anyone feel bad for using subs to get results??? I think this quote (by Shannon?), which I had saved on my hard drive, gets to the point: The false belief that nothing good can come without conscious effort, to insist that something is "not good" because it happens without conscious work is ridiculous. That belief serves only to limit you. You were born to be sexy, it's your natural inheritance ![]()
All fear is illusion.
01-26-2014, 08:31 PM
my gosh.... i feel like im so lost . its so weird .
recently i have gone to some schools dance club and taking classes... girls there reacts to me pretty well... all i do is just arrive and i dont even think about anything . its like walk in the park easy. technically comparing the effort i put in , zero, verus what im getting, better reactions with girls, u can say i am pretty much being the best i have ever been. but i feel so empty and lost its very depressing at the same time too somehow. feels really tiring... in a way. i really wanna run maximum healing speed. because my injured back and elbow ligaments is preventing me from working out and exercising ... which is very fuckin annoying.
I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise, because I've been foolish.
01-27-2014, 10:01 AM
Hey Fluffy Bunny...
sorry to hear about your troubles-I'm sure its just a transition phase... as soon as your back is well enough-start working on/stretching your groin and hips-this will go a long way to ensuring your back is more protected in the future. I couldn't walk for weeks last year because of a back injury...and since I started hip/groin training/stretching I've been over 100%. Also check out kineseology tape... http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=a9_sc_1?rh=i...1390845589 Also...I'm not sure if I'm getting the picture right-but it seems like your pretty young-and these girls you meet at night or around are in high school or college. The anti-slut defense you might be getting might be simply because of the tribal social environment your in. In my experience meeting woman in college was a TOTALLY different ballgame-more about rep...and social nature...woman always choose the 'safer' prospect..even if he is less attractive, as in someone they know, who is familiar and cool. I started killing it-when I would befriend woman everywhere during the day in college and then invite them and get invited to parties-and hook up then. Once your out of school-reckless becomes much better in my opinion..and you'll be right on. feel better
1. There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
2. A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions... Success and failure are for him answers above all. 3. I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more then to be than a good dancer.-F.N.
01-28-2014, 12:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2014, 12:23 AM by FluffyBunny.)
thanks dude. yah its been bothering me for a long time.
i had a surgery on my shoulder then thankgoodness got to work out again... after half a year... screw up my back... now im 1.5 year without any work outs... do u have a link or any videos on how to train those stuff? im like 20 almsot 21 .. in likea month . funny thing u mentioned that recently ive join some dance club at school. every girl there seems to like me . i just shoot random shit off ... and go with flow .. i dont even try... kinda just am being tehre... im getting girls wink at me goodbye..with ones i just talk to once or twice...this one 17 y/o wants me to ask her out last class and this class.. i didnt wanna even my married teacher is like kinda flirting with me but kinda resisting at the sametime...like afterwards.. pretty much its like they are all interested lol. my bold approaches seems to never work on the streets lol. probly girls shit them sevles. weird thing is i look like a 17 year old though... good thing is .... i can ask any girl out now... when i warm them out . easy as hell. its like honestly easier then taking a dump... because i have done it the hard way so many times and get blown out rejected so many times its not doesnt faze me anymore..... night venues i seem to have a disadvantage .. im like a smaller asian guy... no matter how bold my approach is ... these attractive girls doesnt seem to care that much... i usually roll alone. seems like the only way is to have some social value here and there... but thats lame... anyways heading to a frat party friday...maybe things are different been a year...
I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise, because I've been foolish.
01-29-2014, 12:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2014, 12:47 AM by FluffyBunny.)
hmmmmm didnt except to have a date.... with a cute 7... that i met once... have around 30 texts..
this friday... must have left a pretty good first impression at the party.. didnt even know what i did... was all natural. i could have gotten a lot more dates... but the rest of them i just wasnt attracted to.... so i didnt mention it... just gonna go with the flow..... and see how it goes ------------------ stage 3 day 30 i rarely approach girls any more these days... but when i see one i like.. i do it ..approach a 10/10 today.. on the bus...saw her walk pass infront of me... funny thing i got nervous even after i have done so many approaches already before.... then i said fuck it went over talk to her.... ends up being a 8ish overall after talking to her ... so i still notice . some girls open up to me really funny . then closes off .... and some girl just straight up close off with me after encountering me.... and ones that i have tried to go for before... that shuts the door... now its like still shut lol... weird. but does get effected by my presence . and some are opposite ...very open with me... and its so easy to flirt with these ones... its like everything is just funny and makes sense lol. there is this one girl very cute.... i met once in my class.... gonna probly ask her out next week... she was very open with me had lots of fun together dancing .... not even remember wtf we talked about ..
I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise, because I've been foolish.
01-29-2014, 01:56 AM
There's no magic bullet on earth... yet... that will allow any one man to attract every woman. Let those who aren't attracted fall by the wayside. Focus on the ones who are. You'll be a lot happier in the long run.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
01-29-2014, 09:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-30-2014, 02:56 AM by FluffyBunny.)
i really dont fuckin understand ....
is it because they are just too scared that i am radiating a player vibe? or what the hell is going on i dont even consider myself radiating a player vibe or anything... this girl already agree to meet me at X date X time told me she had a bf too i ignore it. but still agree to meet. but kept on asking me why do i want to see her . literally asking me why i want to meet her... first i thought shes just testing me out . so i shoot her a random question for her to qualify to me... then she literally asks me again whiling adding that she wont be able to flirt with me when i flirt with her =_= seriously guys what kinda question is that. any girl knows . its two things sex or date.... or both... of course there getting to know the girl included.... i cant like straight up tell her that really... then theres other girls that one class closes off on me next class just opens back up.... then certain moments feels like close again.... and doesn't want anything to do with me =.= what are they scared of? im the last person on earth that will hurt any girl.... this journey is driving me crazy lol EDIT: the emotional..... roller coaster i am having .... i dont know you can even describe it , all these internal and external stuff is just too confusing . EDIT2 : i feel so tired... i feel like i am done ... im so emotionally drain... from all these its so much to go through ... i dont even understand.... am i getting better reactions from girls then ever? pretty sure i am but there is so much doubt going on ... also i feel so lonely ... its like no one understands at all..... =.= . its like i am not what u people perceive me as.... its driving me crazy... i dont know how to explain this ... wow warning ... peopel who dont wanna read pusy sentimental stuff just dont read on hahahaha. gonna rant ... man so all i am coming from is a place of love? jez i use to think its neediness. but it was LOL. wtf? k it wasnt entirely neediness.. my gosh ... it was like actually caring while thinking it would work... but that was so long ago.... now im so strong.... so stable... i just throw out random comments some are retarded as fuck girls laugh too ... sometimes i state out the most obvious retarded shit .... they dont even seem to mind haha. i just laugh about it .. cause i thought it was funny... im so free spirit ... but at the same time i just want one fuckin girl that i like .... that can just understand me ... i just dont understand... whats going on these days.... they seem to be a little more careful in getting closer to me... i actually really like just commenting on anything that comes to my mind ...cause its really funny to me ... and i always laugh at it ... good realization haha. i honestly dont see any missing element .... other then improving the qualities i already have now .. anyways... wow ... and wow ...... im very emotional... and sentimental at times... EDIT3 : shannon how will i even go about doing this.... i read instructions says stage 6 is the stage that balance things out ... so im guessing right now im on the extreme end of these things therefore its too strong and making girls feel unsafe???? how on earth do i even make them feel safe..... should mention in the instructions stage 1-3 makes u wanna shoot urself hahahahaa. im really hopefully stage 4 is gonna be that special stage rofl.... im 1 more day on stage 3 and going to 4... OK EDIT4: this is gonna be most realistic stuff.... too emotional up there lol alright .... few things i really cannot wrap my head around and im not believing in it.... 1. im being so attractive that girls literally are scared around me ? 2. they think im too much of a player that im gonna hurt them? 3. how is that even possible i didnt even experience the in between step where girls are attracted but r not too scared.. 4. i mean seems like there r girls that aren't afraid either.... but i am not 100% sure cause i dont like them... so i didnt go for it enough to know what is really up ... ( currently havnt found a girl that i am attracted to that arent afraid ) so thats not gonna wok out either i cant see how this can work out atm.... how can i make them feel safe.... im talking about the most.. normal things on the planet ... and they react like that... i dont see what else i can do ...
I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise, because I've been foolish.
01-31-2014, 11:00 AM
fluffy man i understand you ... we go through the same...
on alpha i just wanted sex but now i just want love... just one good women that loves me... its crazy cant explain this....
01-31-2014, 07:07 PM
well that was weird...
went to meet up with the girl . moment i said her i knew nothing was gonna even happen, so i was like whatever just gonna chat and walk around. decided to go for a walk ..then walk alone beach and back . at the end we part ways.. her boyfriend came up to me randomly shortly after and was pissed off. told me she was scared? like i could of have done something to her at the beach . blah this and blah like said wanted to fight , end up not happening just rant inside a store lol. man i wonder whats up with the rape thing , just gonna link it with sm3 lol. i literally just walked around with her and talked.... guided her by the waists once ... when we got out of the store when she went the wrong way. thats it . either its just her bullshit excuse to save her relationship or its sm3... anyways was kinda funny how mad the guy was...
I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise, because I've been foolish.
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