Alright, so, I notice this pattern with me regarding women/girls. When they have their bitch face on, I seem to auto-eject. Like blowing myself out, while its a perfect opener to hit them up, teasing them abit about their "shitday" or whatever. They are way more feeling based. I have done it before. Derek Cajun comes to mind. Unapologetic owning it
*girl hanging and looking bored*
Me: are you tired?"
And taking it off from there. It resulted in them having this sparkle in their eyes, dreamy but hot and sexual
Also, im noticing an drop in emotions. Like, im short-circuiting and just am, while in locked state. It feels like a shutdown mechanism. Like, apathic/cant be arsed.
This new girl, lets call her "I", went very much forward introducing herself. She has this rockchick kind of front to her but meanwhile sex appeal. Great ass also. I cant be arsed to talk for example like I shutdown, while other times im flowing and am badass along with feeling the heat coming of from me.
I really want/need to be more ballsy if you ask me. Not always, as I seem to turn shit easily sexual to a high extent.
*girl hanging and looking bored*
Me: are you tired?"
And taking it off from there. It resulted in them having this sparkle in their eyes, dreamy but hot and sexual
Also, im noticing an drop in emotions. Like, im short-circuiting and just am, while in locked state. It feels like a shutdown mechanism. Like, apathic/cant be arsed.
This new girl, lets call her "I", went very much forward introducing herself. She has this rockchick kind of front to her but meanwhile sex appeal. Great ass also. I cant be arsed to talk for example like I shutdown, while other times im flowing and am badass along with feeling the heat coming of from me.
I really want/need to be more ballsy if you ask me. Not always, as I seem to turn shit easily sexual to a high extent.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus