12-12-2016, 11:08 AM
Hello All Forum Members,
This is my first thread, so please bear with me, I may ask questions regarding how to edit or add more posts to the thread.
Before I get started, a quick shout out to Shannon, DMSI is doing something, I don't know what yet, but with time things will get better and better. Also shout out to RTRBoss. I would have never found this stuff if it weren't for a forum post about it on Pheromonexs, so Thanks Man!! Also if anyone rocks pheros with this sub, should I minimize using that stuff for now?
Background: I started on V2.4, I was very interested in the healing of that sub. I want to say I ran it for almost 3 weeks before a 3 week hiatus from subs due to a brief stint in county jail. I do want to bring this up because I was getting a few circumstances of big respect hits when I was off the sub, this means something coming from an environment where everyone is out to intimidate people. Once I was released, I hoped back on 2.4 for the healing before V3 was released. I did get one day of 2.5 in, the night before I got tossed in the slammer. I went out to a bar and as I was walking to another venue, I had to pass other restaurants and shops, a girl I had met and had a known on an acquaintance level, we've had a drink together, was immediately sniped from a distance. I looked up from my phone and saw her through her restaurant door staring a hole through me. It was too extreme of a stare to not be a snipe. On to V3.0-A
Day 11: This is the day I am currently on, but I will rehash a few things I have noticed since starting V3.0-A on December 1. Oh, I also took 5-7 days off of all subs before starting V3.0-A. So, lets begin. I have had scenarios since the beginning where I would wake up with pressure in my head, as if something is pressing against my cranium from the inside out, a slight pressure, nothing debilitating. I have frequent vivid sexual dreams, not every night, but have had a few since starting. I have had moments of heat throughout the day, it is more obvious at some times than others. I wear a gold chain, and one night while having a lecture with coworkers I took it off to play with it, I noticed the metal was super hot, felt like it got very hot due to my increased body heat. I have had moments of extreme hunger. I have had moments where the heat feels directly between my eyes, almost as if my pineal gland is opening or something crazy like that.
Ok, on to responses from people. I have had incidents where some men are very respectful, while at times others, only one guy on multiple occasions, gets a little snippy with me over bullshit. I perceived it as him being a dick, but I slightly felt that he is either insecure and trying to act ballsy to deflect the aura I'm generating or he may just have been a big baby those times. He usually is not like that. Women can be slightly distant at times, maybe intimidated? I have had incidents where women whom I was not interested in will stare at me as if they want to say something and don't or they find something to say, but the look in their eyes is the same, one of deep curiosity bordering on attraction/sexual desire. As for women that I would consider very pretty/sexy/or a type I would want to have sex with, they give me that same deep curious look. Some examples, I work at a restaurant so I get to see many strangers of all ages, but I saw one girl whom I would have wanted to sex right there, stare at me while she is waiting at the bar with her hand in her hair. The moment our eyes locked I could tell I would want her if I was not working, she probably felt the same. Another time was a girl who I work with who has a stunning face, but is so petite that her body is almost child like, tiny booty and titties. Even though her body is ok, her face is stunning so I know I would have fun with her if the opportunity presented itself. I have caught her staring with curiosity, as well as when I caught her looking yesterday, she dropped her eye contact and scanned me up and down, she probably thought she was stealthy, but I noticed, I have a good sense of reading body language. And this same girl had lost the wine opener she would keep in her back pocket, when she proclaimed she lost it to coworkers and myself, she proceeded to spank herself where the opener would be, and yes it was right in front of me. I don't know what to think of that.
DMSI maybe? I will continue to update when things happen or I have a unique feeling due to the sub. I am planning on running Version A at least until the new year. This has been an interesting ride so far, cant wait to get though the healing/clearing, I'm sure once that gets sorted out the scenarios will become more blatant and actions will happen. Happy Hunting.
This is my first thread, so please bear with me, I may ask questions regarding how to edit or add more posts to the thread.
Before I get started, a quick shout out to Shannon, DMSI is doing something, I don't know what yet, but with time things will get better and better. Also shout out to RTRBoss. I would have never found this stuff if it weren't for a forum post about it on Pheromonexs, so Thanks Man!! Also if anyone rocks pheros with this sub, should I minimize using that stuff for now?
Background: I started on V2.4, I was very interested in the healing of that sub. I want to say I ran it for almost 3 weeks before a 3 week hiatus from subs due to a brief stint in county jail. I do want to bring this up because I was getting a few circumstances of big respect hits when I was off the sub, this means something coming from an environment where everyone is out to intimidate people. Once I was released, I hoped back on 2.4 for the healing before V3 was released. I did get one day of 2.5 in, the night before I got tossed in the slammer. I went out to a bar and as I was walking to another venue, I had to pass other restaurants and shops, a girl I had met and had a known on an acquaintance level, we've had a drink together, was immediately sniped from a distance. I looked up from my phone and saw her through her restaurant door staring a hole through me. It was too extreme of a stare to not be a snipe. On to V3.0-A
Day 11: This is the day I am currently on, but I will rehash a few things I have noticed since starting V3.0-A on December 1. Oh, I also took 5-7 days off of all subs before starting V3.0-A. So, lets begin. I have had scenarios since the beginning where I would wake up with pressure in my head, as if something is pressing against my cranium from the inside out, a slight pressure, nothing debilitating. I have frequent vivid sexual dreams, not every night, but have had a few since starting. I have had moments of heat throughout the day, it is more obvious at some times than others. I wear a gold chain, and one night while having a lecture with coworkers I took it off to play with it, I noticed the metal was super hot, felt like it got very hot due to my increased body heat. I have had moments of extreme hunger. I have had moments where the heat feels directly between my eyes, almost as if my pineal gland is opening or something crazy like that.

"It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything."