I have a feeling that I would like to share with you and see if someone can relate to it and maybe help to understand it better.
I feel like a tire that has gone flat. I feel emotioally "weak" and feel that social interactions are hard. I have a hard time to stay focused and present. My body feel tired, I go to the gym but I just dont can access that physical "push" I know is inside. I easilly can get irritated. I socislize some but I stay away from social interactions as they can get awkward as I dont know what to say (wasnt a problem before, always was creative and had an easy time talking to anyone, joking, etc). I dont feel as connected to my body and my strenght as I remember i felt before, and I feel very uncertain about the future and my abilities.
I feel like a tire that has gone flat. I feel emotioally "weak" and feel that social interactions are hard. I have a hard time to stay focused and present. My body feel tired, I go to the gym but I just dont can access that physical "push" I know is inside. I easilly can get irritated. I socislize some but I stay away from social interactions as they can get awkward as I dont know what to say (wasnt a problem before, always was creative and had an easy time talking to anyone, joking, etc). I dont feel as connected to my body and my strenght as I remember i felt before, and I feel very uncertain about the future and my abilities.