(02-09-2018, 07:17 AM)Shannon Wrote: You say to achieve, you have to believe. That's not really the case. The truth is, you can achieve without "believing", but you have to be focused, persistent, determined, and stop impeding your own progress.
Love how you guys portray me subconsciously for bringing you these awesome subs and changes, lol
Not to derail, but I had a dream the other night where I was with my brother in a house. I decided to go outside to check the flagpole as a storm was brewing at the time, apparently. I go out to check it, and a lightning bolt came down from above just about 10 feet from me. I was a bit wide-eyed, looked back to my brother in the house and he had the same look on his face. I casually walked back inside and pretty much immediately woke up and felt a bit startled for a minute or two, lmao.
Apparently, lightning bolts can be a sign of several good things (also bad things but I choose to focus on good things, haha).
My favourite ones that may be most relevant there are, although several were tangible to my life:
"A lightning strike suggests the impossible will soon become possible. You may find yourself in a completely different situation than you ever expected even only recently."
"If you are close to where lightning strikes but remain unhurt, this is a sign that a great love will soon enter your life. This is a sign of “love at first sight”."
"Dreaming of lightning directly above you is a sign your finances will improve very soon. You will not have to make much effort and it will be enough to set yourself up for the future." (my massive business expansion I've been building out...this is intriguing, lol)
So, there you go! A bit less like the movie "Hostel", LOL. A bit less disturbing.
I don't mind thinking of you as a lightning bolt by comparison, Shannon