So I have been pretty busy the last week and haven't had time to post my summary up of stage 5. I got to say this stage has made more obvious changes than any other stage or single stage sub I've run.
So whats happened in this stage
* I started up on a new business venture
* Got another promotion at work
* Managed to get dragged out of a club by a girl I only met 1 hour prior
* Had another girl confess she really liked me and we will be having some fun when shes back over here
* Hooked up with another lady I met one night that was a friend of a friend. Even though she wanted to sleep with me I wanted to get home and sleep to concentrate on business and work
* Had another girl feel me up while showing me the way to the bathroom while the guy she was hooking up with was waiting just outside
* Lost a total of 7 kg during this stage and put on some muscle
* Felt more at ease and more talkative in general socially
* Found more girls staring and giving eye contact like crazy (A few fuck me eyes coming out)
* A lot more positive about the future
* Even less afraid of the unknown and different situations
* Not so worried whether i'm out socializing or not
* More in the moment
* Loss of interest in watching TV or Playing games (I haven't done either in a month)
* A lot more honest in my communication - I still have some work to do about speaking my mind but its a big improvement
* Able to say no to sex if there's something I need to do to look after myself or something else i'd rather do
* Speaking a lot more confidently both in and outside of work. Which has made meetings a lot easier to run
* A feeling of a life without limits. Like I really can achieve what I set out for
* Am getting a lot more respect from my parents and others in general
* Am able to live a lot more independently
* Moved into a new flat with random people and there was next to no fear there (This used to be one of if not my biggest fear)
I know there's a lot more that's just what came to mind. Stage 5 felt like it unlocked or made something click in place that had a snowball effect and bought about changes from AM and earlier on in WM.
So the last week I have been busy working on writing up my php web service. While it has been interesting learning a new language I have been getting frustrated when things don't work. I don't find myself giving up though I power through then get it done and celebrate each time I make a success. This alone is very different to what I've done in the past, by now I would have given up because it was just to hard.
I was also out the other night and ended up at a mates place after playing some pool. I had only had a couple of drinks so wasn't out of it. I walked in and was able to socialize quite happily with everyone. There was this girl there that keep giving me the fuck me type eyes in between hooking up with this other guy. I could tell she was a little bored of the guy to be honest. Later on that evening I asked my mate where his toilet was, straight away she piped up and said "I'll show you come with me". When we got there (and it was literally a 10 meter walk and was very clear where to go) she starts running her arm down my side and looking right into my eyes but for some reason I froze when I should have just grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in. That's what I felt like doing and what I should have done. She was pretty good looking and that seems to be my one crutch even though I knew she wanted me. So learning from that night was just take action even if fear is felt.
Last night one of the girls from the other week was messaging me and telling me to come over. I said no I was tired and she would not stop saying she would do anything I wanted and telling me she was dressed in sexy underwear and so on. I stood my ground though and didn't give in to temptation. That is something I never could have done in the past I would have just gone instead of doing what I really needed to do, catch up on sleep.
Anyway onwards and upwards with stage 6
So whats happened in this stage
* I started up on a new business venture
* Got another promotion at work
* Managed to get dragged out of a club by a girl I only met 1 hour prior
* Had another girl confess she really liked me and we will be having some fun when shes back over here
* Hooked up with another lady I met one night that was a friend of a friend. Even though she wanted to sleep with me I wanted to get home and sleep to concentrate on business and work
* Had another girl feel me up while showing me the way to the bathroom while the guy she was hooking up with was waiting just outside
* Lost a total of 7 kg during this stage and put on some muscle
* Felt more at ease and more talkative in general socially
* Found more girls staring and giving eye contact like crazy (A few fuck me eyes coming out)
* A lot more positive about the future
* Even less afraid of the unknown and different situations
* Not so worried whether i'm out socializing or not
* More in the moment
* Loss of interest in watching TV or Playing games (I haven't done either in a month)
* A lot more honest in my communication - I still have some work to do about speaking my mind but its a big improvement
* Able to say no to sex if there's something I need to do to look after myself or something else i'd rather do
* Speaking a lot more confidently both in and outside of work. Which has made meetings a lot easier to run
* A feeling of a life without limits. Like I really can achieve what I set out for
* Am getting a lot more respect from my parents and others in general
* Am able to live a lot more independently
* Moved into a new flat with random people and there was next to no fear there (This used to be one of if not my biggest fear)
I know there's a lot more that's just what came to mind. Stage 5 felt like it unlocked or made something click in place that had a snowball effect and bought about changes from AM and earlier on in WM.
So the last week I have been busy working on writing up my php web service. While it has been interesting learning a new language I have been getting frustrated when things don't work. I don't find myself giving up though I power through then get it done and celebrate each time I make a success. This alone is very different to what I've done in the past, by now I would have given up because it was just to hard.
I was also out the other night and ended up at a mates place after playing some pool. I had only had a couple of drinks so wasn't out of it. I walked in and was able to socialize quite happily with everyone. There was this girl there that keep giving me the fuck me type eyes in between hooking up with this other guy. I could tell she was a little bored of the guy to be honest. Later on that evening I asked my mate where his toilet was, straight away she piped up and said "I'll show you come with me". When we got there (and it was literally a 10 meter walk and was very clear where to go) she starts running her arm down my side and looking right into my eyes but for some reason I froze when I should have just grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in. That's what I felt like doing and what I should have done. She was pretty good looking and that seems to be my one crutch even though I knew she wanted me. So learning from that night was just take action even if fear is felt.
Last night one of the girls from the other week was messaging me and telling me to come over. I said no I was tired and she would not stop saying she would do anything I wanted and telling me she was dressed in sexy underwear and so on. I stood my ground though and didn't give in to temptation. That is something I never could have done in the past I would have just gone instead of doing what I really needed to do, catch up on sleep.
Anyway onwards and upwards with stage 6

The only person in life that can ever hold you back is yourself. So get out of your own way and start living the life you always dreamed of