08-19-2017, 01:20 PM
08-19-2017, 02:35 PM
(08-18-2017, 10:24 AM)RisingSon Wrote:(08-17-2017, 10:01 AM)Arsenic Wrote: So you're saying DMSI A is draining you. Do you believe this is a result of the sub overpowering your brain or from all the senseless dumping into your sex doll? lol Narscism and healthy are oxymorons. Did you read the myth bro. His parents fucked him up because they wanted to prevent something but they became the reason for the thing happening. And you look like you are in the anger phase you gotta stop reading TRP related stuff and stop viewing woman as the enemy. If you do that you missed the whole point of existence.
E2 Days in All: 606 Days
UD Start Date: November 1st, 2017- January 19th 2018 DMSI- February 22nd 2018- When AM7 Comes Out?
08-19-2017, 02:57 PM
I have to agree with Daredevil.
The whole point of most (good?) spirituality is to find unity. Being a celibate monk is no different than being an anti-social serial killer in my mind. The only way is to embrace people and things and yourself and be one with everything/one.
08-19-2017, 03:44 PM
I didn't catch the celibacy part but that is even worse. Even the Taoist warned against it and they only thought the only bad thing about Sex is actually Cumming out seamen. Even then they advised if you didn't want to learn how to control your ejaculated, 4 times a week of cumming for teens and 3x for young men.
I think your plan for using DMSI is to enact revenge on Women by having the upper hand in teasing them and rejecting them so they can know how it feels to be treated like that. In my anger stage the only thing I was mad at was that my parents Beta Ized me. Wasn't really angry at women.
E2 Days in All: 606 Days
UD Start Date: November 1st, 2017- January 19th 2018 DMSI- February 22nd 2018- When AM7 Comes Out?
It's not simply an anger stage, my friends. It is a revolt against the modern world. You guys, chiefly as hedonists, may not understand or see any reason to do so. Why object when your bellies are full and balls drained? I do not share that mentality.
“Immortality is neither democratic nor collective. Only those of divine origin can reach it consciously, in aristocratic Combat, in a very hard War in which very few will prove victorious.” - Miguel Serrano Ideally, and among Taoist Immortals, a man should never ejaculate and even perform sex without doing so! Or very rarely, even rarer with age. How rarely has to do with the metabolism, hormone production, and required nutrients. That's insightful Daredevil capitalized Women but also an absurd assertion, because that's exactly what they do. Sorry, but I'm not the one dressing too provocatively in public and rejecting throngs of men constantly on dating apps thus using my sexuality as a weapon. No, no, no. I'm mostly interested in affection and intimacy. The fact that bad boy game is most efficient on modern harlots is inconsequential. Nevertheless, I've realized that I'm not firing on all cylinders and am showing most symptoms of major depression including mood swings. This is due to internet addiction and porn, along with too frequent of ejaculation. I need to quit internet cold turkey (unlikely) and totally heal my dopamine receptors thus balancing brain chemistry. DMSI may be working towards these goals, but MHS also has massive appeal. I think MHS is going to be my best bet to really attempt to rejuvenate my neural circuits and get me centered, then I'd be much more effective in general. There is a lot to celibacy. Here's one of the greatest self-help gurus of the last century coming out with the facts. Quote:The world is waking up. Men all across the globe are realizing that masturbation and porn is a leach on the bodies energy stores.
08-20-2017, 06:02 AM
Your very judgmental to women, are you an NTJ. I'm not even this judgmental and callous and when I am I know when I am being a prick.
Also At least your not one of those enjoy the decline people who don't Do Nothing of the sack of Rome by Vandals. Either way its us mens fault for being so weak on a collective scale and also the fault of the Corporate world for putting all these Xeno estrogens in our foods and everything that turn us into full blown Cucks.
E2 Days in All: 606 Days
UD Start Date: November 1st, 2017- January 19th 2018 DMSI- February 22nd 2018- When AM7 Comes Out?
08-20-2017, 04:23 PM
(08-18-2017, 11:08 AM)RisingSon Wrote:(08-17-2017, 04:09 PM)Benjamin Wrote: Yes, you're finding all that in the world because of all your anger towards women and bad experiences. Not everyone has the same experience, reading too much red pill makes you believe that though.. i've been there myself. How do you know he was beta? What is your definition of alpha?
...dissonance, maybe I used that word too brazenly but he was an overweight, out of place hipster looking guy with glasses being led around and obviously her companion while in The States. Liberated wimminz on birth control dig effiminate guys like that nowadays so maybe in that world he is super alpha of all alphas. I would think her and I would be in greater resonance or have a shared higher purpose but obviously something wasn't meant to be...
(08-20-2017, 06:02 AM)Daredevil Wrote: Your very judgmental to women, are you an NTJ. I'm not even this judgmental and callous and when I am I know when I am being a meanie. Last time I took that MBTI test or whatever, I got INTJ. Yes, I am an autistic misanthrope villian who wants to watch the world burn. Muahahaha! Someone has to judge women, if you haven't noticed they are totally out of control and the reason for civilization decline in every past case of history. Umm... Removing them from all consequence, free to marry a beta in their 30's or 40's after they are done riding the cock carousel is unsustainable. You know how bad the generations before fucked us? There is an African proverb that says, if you do not initiate your young men into the tribe, they will come back and burn down the village just to feel the heat. Enjoy the Decline, meh... That's a futile hedonistic approach. Have you read The Way of Men by Jack Donovan? The way of men is the way of the gang, it is said. Men need new frontiers. In fact, I'd rather be one of the Vandals sacking Rome. Unfortunately, that pleasure has been given to the Muslims and others it seems. I've thought about converting, don't test me. Yes, there have been many agendas to weaken men politically and pharmaceutically, that is true and the reason I got into AM in the first place. I'm hoping to see the pendulum swing far back onto the masculine side of things in my lifetime because right now it is such a toxic gynocentric culture that it's not even funny, but that also makes it ripe for conquering. Guess I'll have to harden the fuck up. Chinese curse say may you live in interesting times.
So I went off DMSI for a day and felt the brain fog lift. I may be able to get something done now. 24 hours later I began MHS 5.5G. That got a little interesting. I hadn't had any sexual energy feelings or sexy dreams during those past 2 weeks on DMSI 3.1A.
I went to sleep playing MHS and woke up multiple times having to urinate. I had drank quite a bit before bed, but it kept coming! I woke up multiple times with rock solid erections having to pee. There is a link between full bladders and erections, but I was really feeling the chi. The second time was weird, it felt like I had almost peed the bed. Like a burning intense electric erection. So I get up and relieve myself. There was such a strong sensation in my penis that it felt like I was continuing to urinate after I was done, like there was just so much energy in the tip that I could barely tell if I was urinating or not. Then I went back to sleep. I found a folder of atomic red pills on my computer that I had collected during years of AM6. It reminded me that I'm really not a bad person, women have only forsaken all virtue and rationality turning against men out of some sick penis envy and fostered sense of entitlement. No biggie. Just another day on planet Earth with it's alien overlords. I was tempted to start dropping atomic red pills here but they might turn the forum to dust. I've found the link between obesity and narcissism, but there are plenty of articles on that. Man, some people are fucked up. I keep getting drawn to these dysfunctional people online and they have really made me question my own sanity. Some grotesquely obese woman baited me for diet advice on a phone app today. She didn't really want help, but lured me in talking about her past younger self and attractive daughters and how she wanted a better life, then got me to reveal some vulnerabilities about myself, I wasn't buying her bullshit anyhow, so then she started ridiculing me and laughing about how much better/happier she was and that she gets laid by a 6'3 157 pound hunk of muscle while I get nothing. This woman was 300+lbs and dead inside. That's an example of a malignant narcissist. Then she blocked me, because they always discard their victim first. I felt that common chest pain from social rejection. Even though this was trivial bullshit, I still felt a sharp pain. There is a physical component to this because the nerves and blood vessels constrict due to stress, but I can't find the medical term right now. These creatures are murderers of men's hearts. I know not all women are like this, there are still some sweet ones left. However, I don't know where to find them. My self-esteem has been absolutely crushed by these types of dysfunctional individuals. Some type of superficial charm drives me to them, and I know I'm in love with the fake image of an ideal woman rather than the real thing. Since so many people are narcissistic in this culture, and even those women without NPD are taught to foster such traits from girlhood onwards, I feel like I have to have extreme self-esteem and unbreakable bravado to even compete. The only other option is to entirely avoid them. There is true evil in this world, make no mistake.
OK, you guys keep bickering on the forum while I look forward to DMSI 3.2 release.
Currently running AM6 refresher, bailed on MHS. Even in the bloom stage, DMSI has been very cathartic. Man, I'm progressing so much and overcoming so many barriers to personal assertion, things are still coming up to be released, and with somewhat reduced anger but it's still there. My verbosity is increasing to alarmingly high levels (edit: I'm actually just becoming much more confident with my voice and aural seduction skills), can't wait for improved manifestation/reality bending, since I'm still not able to jump the gap. Even though my voice is amazing articulate and melodious, sometimes I get jerky in public. I was in a health food store and saw some blonde college co-ed with an ass bursting through her tight black jeans in the supplement isle. Must of been her pheromones since I just had to get closer. "Ah THAT's what I'm looking for"... Turns out an enzyme supplement I was thinking about getting really was in that isle, because I mostly said that for effect lol. As I grab it, this obese woman who had been watching the whole thing (employee) bumbles over, stands in front of the girl with the thicc ass that had been my peripheal focus, and starts trying to lecture me on supplements and "what enzymes are". "I KNOW" and "I THINK I GET ENOUGH PROBIOTICS" made quick work of her territorial display. At this point I lost my composure, said under my breath "fat bitch can't tell me shit" which the blonde more than likely heard then I immediately walked off. So that attempted approach was a bust and I'm still getting cockblocked by un-selfaware narcissist females. GRRRRRR. Whenever I go to the city and see really hot girls like that I get so sexually frustrated. I made very poor decisions directly after that, let's just say. Right now I'm browsing the book Love and Shyness, one of the few studies of it's kind showing the deletrious effect of lacking relationships in boys and men which are much more volatile than women (who hardly suffer the same). Shannon is practically a messiah for giving disadvantaged or unsocialized males a chance for serious social improvement. A reciprocated loving relationship can vibrantly boost a man's aura into a brilliant full-bodied glow of which few things compare, I read. There's a country girl in a hardware store that made an attempt to flirt with me, might go after that. She has good noble features, if face reading is a thing - which it is.
At this point I'm just using my journal to vent and I don't think it's of use to anyone especially Shannon since he is MIA. I'm about to get into one of those 7 year cycles myself soon, something about Saturn returning yada-yada-yada. I'll just charge up my chakras and meditate using Vedic mantras of the Sun to overpower it. That's what I've been taught.
At the moment though I'm feeling real fucking apathetic. So depressed, so aimless, so... I'm starting to think certain parts of the planet have depressed geomagnetic energy and you feel down just being there, like where I am. Yeah, pretty sure that's why this area sucks. "It was the best of times and the worst of times..." is how a long book began, either A Tale of Two Cities or War and Peace. I don't really care which. Living in the modern world is torture, so many tempting females everywhere I go but they all appear so self-absorbed into their phones and egoistic world or with their family. So much convenience and whatever rare substance I desire delivered to me but no one to share it with. Oh, well... Girls get cock delivered to their doorstep with Tinder nowadays and I won't denigrate myself by using it so maybe that's why I'm at a loss. I get triggered whenever I go out. I'm like a sex starved manimal. I don't even know WTF is going on and what these females are being fed. Not really. I know all these gigantic asses are the result of growth hormones in food and yeah I fully support that, even though I'm not getting any of that. I need to turn into a full on sexual predator but I don't have the balls. What's limiting me? Why can't I just act on my urges? Too inhibited. Friendly conversation or flirting? Forget about it. Whenever I walk past a hot female when I'm out shopping, all I can do is raise my eyebrows or smirk at them. Now I'm starting to say put downs as I walk by, like I was walking by some line for a pharmacy and thought out loud "this is where all the sick people are". This was after I noticed a nurse chick wearing scrubs in that line giving me IOI's. They flipped their hair or stared at me at a distance, but when I got closer looked down or into their phones. WTF? I will not be invalidated like that. They can go get their pills and poisonous flu shots then, fuck 'em. That's what happens when a guy is subtly rejected too often, I've gone off the deep end into apathy. Not my choice. Maybe AM6 is scaring people too much, like now when I drive by my neighbors house the girls who live there always run inside if they are out playing. Lots of women hastily walk past me and say "excuse me" all timid like. Some plain girls have been attracted to me and stare at me expectantly or act helpfully, but I don't have nowhere near the confidence to initiate anything with them. Actually they were probably just doing that because that's their job who the fuck am I kidding. I started listening to The Myth of Male Power in a my car today, which proves through statistics than men are pretty much women's disposable slaves at this point in society. My life is closer to a privileged female, since I live a relatively cushioned life with plenty of spending. So perhaps me not being in a relationship is actually a blessing, since I am not a male slave with obligations to a female master. Eh, that's probably bullshit. Everything is bullshit. The meek shall inherit the Earth better be true because I'm also meek as hell. Nothing feels worth it. I did finally get the motivation to have a guy come install a well pump for me so at least I'll have some clean water once the bombs drop and WW3 kicks off. Maybe that will change things and stop making women be so worthless. Will women actually pursue me then? LOL fuck off. I'm rather antisocial if you didn't notice. 30 year virgin wizard here I come (prostitutes don't count).
10-23-2017, 08:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-23-2017, 08:36 PM by JackOfHearts.)
Women are a reflection of yourself. Is the world fuck up or your view of the world is?
(10-23-2017, 08:35 PM)Alpha360 Wrote: Women are a reflection of yourself. Is the world **** up or your view of the world is? My view is exquisite like a diamond drop of dew from a tantric goddess. However, it is well known that American women are the worst in the world. There have been steady media campaigns since the 60's to turn them against their own men. If I'm picking up negative or discordant frequencies in the environment and reflect that, it's merely me being a superior transmitter. Yes, I am very sensitive and take their behavior as insulting because they have drifted so far from womanhood. Everything they do is in poor taste or an act of aggression for the most part. Western women are literally destroying themselves with the help of daddy government and society will break because of it. That's just the facts and the cycles of history/civilization. A new rise of barbarians will fill that vacuum. I likely wouldn't know a real woman if I saw one, and that chance seems slim. The closest I can recall was perhaps a Peruvian nanny I had when young. I also had an African American nanny, but the Peruvian had such a exuberant warmth of feminity to her. She had a very loving family and welcomed ours into it. That type of openness is polar opposite to the frigid antisocial cold vibes you get in most of America nowadays. I'm not the only one to perceive this, there are forums like Happier Abroad where men are fleeing the US in search of happiness elsewhere. America is a dating hell for men, most people in the world know it's hell for men, it's totally gynocentric. It's the whore of Babylon for crying out loud. Another story I could relate would be how my aunt took a trip to Spain and met some prominent wealthy family on the beach who invited her to their home and she ended up owning a house and living there for part of her life. Does that sort of social inclusion happen in America? Eh, I wouldn't say so, and that's one of the causes of not being able to get laid easily. All that feel good self-help affirmations only go so far, because the environment/time period/social consciousness is a constraining factor. So the only thing to do is make the best of it and plunder whatever booty ye can get your hands on. ![]() Gender relations in the US are devolving to the point of it being like an Alien VS Predator movie script and the younger generations that I should be dating are so consumed by social media, it's only getting worse or at least more awkward. Since you are from Europe it's probably different. I usually listen to Eastern European music because it still has soul, for instance. My favorite is Romanian and I also hear that they still beat their wives over there, sooo... ![]()
I'm doin' alright though, getting my style back gotta stay elevated. Hopped off AM6 refresher since that felt like I was stagnating and for some reason I get the urge to masturbate too much on AM6, can't be wasting that energy. Got onto MHS 5.5G which seems promising. The intent is to get my sperm count up, my testosterone up, body sculpted, functional and symmetrical, all that jazz. Looking at some new clothes so I can dress to impress or strike em' dead, maybe stop wearing so much cargo pants. For some reason those have the stereotype of being chick repellent but mine come from a small California boutique shop so they can keep those thoughts to themselves.
Heh and I might even listen to some hip hop again for this occasion. I grew up on that stuff with my teenage peer group, but moved past it when I found it too repetitive and lowbrow. I do live deep secluded surrounded by wilderness so this Raekwon album that popped up on my youtube feed does seem synchronistic and may hold some inspiration. Wu-Tang is just one of those things that last and go bang. |
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