It's about time I jumped onto MHS. Been meaning to take care of some things in my body that I had been putting off in favor of dimsee, but it's getting to the point where these things need to be addressed. So I have started my MHS today. I plan to run this for either 30 days, or until 3.2 is released.
****There was no break between 3.1 & MHS****
Things I'd like to see improvements on:
1. increasing energy levels
2. repairing brain damage - from drug/alcohol abuse
3. repairing lung damage - from 10 years of smoking
4. repairing liver damage - from drug/alcohol abuse and unhealthy eating
5. repairing gastrointestinal damage - from alcohol abuse
6. repairing spinal nerve damage (Thoracic vertebrae 6 & 8) from severe impact in 2011
7. repairing right hand's thumb - from car accident
8. body detox
9. sleep quality
10. vocal chord damage -- just damaged my vocal chords this weekend from laughing too hard, so this will be quick to see.
11. nasal cavity repair - from drug abuse
12. vein regrowth -- Not expecting this... but if this is possible, it'd be awesome!
I started listening to my loops as I started writing this journal entry. Within a few seconds I immediately began to feel cold air going down my throat, my lungs feel like they are taking in more air with each breath, and I am feeling ever so slightly lighter. I was nauseated before I started the loops, but now the nausea is gone and I am hungry as hell XD
For the record, I had a servitor designated to help heal my body, but I had much indication to believe that the servitor became a tulpa (due to a stupid error on my part), and I therefore got rid of it last week.
Up until today, I had not experienced any pain in my back nor my thumb. However, a few minutes into starting the loops, I started to feel the pain again. I do believe the sub is working on instructing my body to send healing energy to those areas that have been afflicted.
I also feel my stomach having some activity. I am burping out excess gas. My nose is clearing up stuck mucus, so now my nose is leaking. My lungs are also feeling a little healthier.
Not gonna lie, I was expecting to see some sort of results on Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm completely taken by surprise that I'm seeing some sort of activity IMMEDIATELY after starting the sub. I can only imagine what a full 30 days will do for me!
Here's to healing this healer
Edit: the euphoria tags in MHS 5.5g feels like the euphoria from dimsee 3.0.1
-- very much like an H drip. This particular sensation is not the same as the euphoria tags in dimsee 3.1.
****There was no break between 3.1 & MHS****
Things I'd like to see improvements on:
1. increasing energy levels
2. repairing brain damage - from drug/alcohol abuse
3. repairing lung damage - from 10 years of smoking
4. repairing liver damage - from drug/alcohol abuse and unhealthy eating
5. repairing gastrointestinal damage - from alcohol abuse
6. repairing spinal nerve damage (Thoracic vertebrae 6 & 8) from severe impact in 2011
7. repairing right hand's thumb - from car accident
8. body detox
9. sleep quality
10. vocal chord damage -- just damaged my vocal chords this weekend from laughing too hard, so this will be quick to see.
11. nasal cavity repair - from drug abuse
12. vein regrowth -- Not expecting this... but if this is possible, it'd be awesome!
I started listening to my loops as I started writing this journal entry. Within a few seconds I immediately began to feel cold air going down my throat, my lungs feel like they are taking in more air with each breath, and I am feeling ever so slightly lighter. I was nauseated before I started the loops, but now the nausea is gone and I am hungry as hell XD
For the record, I had a servitor designated to help heal my body, but I had much indication to believe that the servitor became a tulpa (due to a stupid error on my part), and I therefore got rid of it last week.
Up until today, I had not experienced any pain in my back nor my thumb. However, a few minutes into starting the loops, I started to feel the pain again. I do believe the sub is working on instructing my body to send healing energy to those areas that have been afflicted.
I also feel my stomach having some activity. I am burping out excess gas. My nose is clearing up stuck mucus, so now my nose is leaking. My lungs are also feeling a little healthier.
Not gonna lie, I was expecting to see some sort of results on Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm completely taken by surprise that I'm seeing some sort of activity IMMEDIATELY after starting the sub. I can only imagine what a full 30 days will do for me!
Here's to healing this healer
Edit: the euphoria tags in MHS 5.5g feels like the euphoria from dimsee 3.0.1