10-27-2017, 11:50 AM
Quote:@AwesomeDMSI: Charisma and body langage....Well those are okay. Even for me. I've been working on them. I'm not obvlious to body langage as I used too. I adopted some "dominant yet open and calm" bl that are now part of my natural behavior.
I quite like doing that because it helps me being mindful of my body.
But to be honest, I don't see any improvement in comparison to when I was before, way younger. Oblivious to seduction, naive and dense as ****. Ironically that were the best times when I got approached by girls. But I was too oblivious to do anything.
I think the issue, at least for me, was going from accidentally doing the right things (charisma and Body Language) some times to learning how charisma works and trying to be charismatic.
It's kind of a catch-22. You need to know how it works to do it, but you can't try and be charismatic because then you aren't in flow when you are talking to others.
You have to just BE charismatic. This is tricky because you have to get past that rough patch of forcing your self to do it. Same goes for body language. Once it becomes habit though... That's when you will see a real difference.
Subliminals helped me get there. It's kind of like an IRL cheat code.
Quote:These guys do something very useful. They teach men how to be men. Something that is terribly lacking since feminism societal takeover. Feminists went as far as labeling masculinity as toxic!
In fact seducing women can and should be as simple as displaying masculine traits.
That being said there is one flaw in Jason Capital's work despite his approach being novel, entertaining and enlightening.
Basically, he identifies 12 non-verbal signals that indicate high status. All you have to do is to consciously incorporate those non-verbal traits and people will start to treat you like a high-status person.
IOW, he says change your non-verbal communication and your mindset will follow.
I think that this goes against Subliminals adepts conventional wisdom that says change your beliefs, your self-image and your behavior will follow.
Jason is aware of this flaw in his teaching so he went as far as saying that using affirmations to self-improve doesn't work and that Tony Robbins is wrong when he suggest to use affirmations. This is where Jason lost me.
Does someone here thinks that you can succeed in seducing by consciously controlling your non-verbal communication?
Despiste this detail Jason Capital is an interesting dude that is still worth looking at...
Yes. 100% take JC with a grain of salt. He has a LOT of truths that are backed with science, but at the same time he does trash talk and form US VS Them arguments against his competitors all the time.
While I am not a big fan of Tony Robbins, he does share some truths as well (Affirmations for example) but JC can't admit they work or people would question why he doesn't talk about them.
Tony Robbins also has made it to easy for his competition to trash talk him by supporting a LOT of pseudo-scientific non-sense.
The goal behind JC's material isn't to seduce with Non-Verbals, it's to appear Higher-Status and more attractive. I can testify that his materials work in this regard. Remember most of communication is non-verbal.
Consiously controlling your non-verbals only needs to be done UNTIL it becomes your natural state. There are to ways of doing this:
1) Consciously controlling and reminding yourself to change your body language which in turn changes your state. (harder)
2) Change your internal beliefs so your external state changes naturally and you don't need to be consciously aware (easier)
Thankfully, Shannon's subliminasl can do #2 for us.
Quote:Charisma University sounds interesting. But Jason Capital I just get a bad feeling from him, he seems like a scammer.
EDIT: Is it charismaoncommand university?
JC isn't a scammer, he just uses sketchy marketing and hype tactics to make money. Can't really blame him because that is the entire Online marketing world in a nutshell.
Charisma On Command is the YouTube channel. The Course is called Charisma University.
Another good channel is Art of Verbal War.