07-26-2023, 02:10 AM
Quote:Yesterday was a key moment, a moment I had to speak in public (through Zoom). Well in a normal setting, I would have many symptoms of anxiety few days before, and of course the day of the speech. One symptom would have been intestine problems :-) But yesterday I felt nothing, no pain in the stomach etc. It was like a normal day. But, I was caught by surprise when I went to the comfort room and I had loose bowels (sorry for the graphics aspect). So it looks that CM did not stop the symptoms but desensitized from feeling these symptoms ? My speech went so well and when I reached the time limit, the participants asked me to continue my presentation ! First time in my life I am asked to overpass my time limit and I enjoyed it ! So this CM is a beast !
-Geotrouvetout said this here