Might as well start a journal myself 
Some background info.

Some background info.
- I'm 30 years old
- I'm a stonewaller. Trying to find out why that's the case at the moment. Shannon's posts about the fact that it is me that is going to execute the script didn't do much for me, but the one that I have to take the responsibility of my subconscious choices hit something somewhere. So that's a start.
- Sub history: AM6 (complete without breaking rules), OF4G (~60 days), OGSF 5G (~100 days), E2 (~130 days), and DMSI 3.0.1 (~40 days, haven't tried the other versions, although I've owned it since V1). As I mentioned, I've stonewalled most of it. I felt a couple of nice highs and low lows on E2. I've also felt DMSI doing something for the first couple of days. And that's that... This is not criticizing the subs at all btw. This is criticizing myself
- I'm an INFJ, so I have no opinion about almost everything
Also, that would mean expressing my thoughts and feelings is pretty difficult for me. That usually annoys people a lot, especially my girlfriend, and I can clearly see why. I'll try to do my best in that department here. I feel communication by writing is way easier.
- Girlfriend: She's an ESTJ, and for those who understand typology you can clearly see the mismatch there. We've been dating for about 16 months now, and the relationship has lasted this long because I keep my mouth shut about certain things in order not to hurt her and because she's very cute
She is a great friend, but as a partner, I don't think the relationship has a lot life left in it.
- I've started talking to my subconscious and inner child before sleeping every night asking them about what is it I fear and resist, and visualizing that I'm taking care of my inner child. This is a concept of being your own parent that I've read in "The Presence Process" by Michael Brown. Not sure if it's originally his.
- I've got bright as day abandonment and trust issues.
- Gonna try some aromatherapy soon. I've done a quick research and ordered some essential oils (frankincense, lavender, myrrh, and orange). Let's see if they'll help my efforts of becoming friends with my subconscious
I realize that the responsibility is on me in here and they're not going to be simply magical scents solving all my problems
- I'll try to update this journal every now and then. If I remember I should update it on every high and low to see if there is a pattern to it.