01-02-2013, 08:01 PM
Ive been using become a successful entrepreneur for a bit over 3 months and it has helped me alot in getting my business started. I own a moving company with my younger brother who was using US for a while alongside with AM11 which I quit after 4 months to start BASE (always time for an AM run through once I acheive more success). I had the idea and designed a logo on illustrator before i started BASE but nothing was off the ground yet. Since i started the sub we got a business account set up at a bank, got a business phone, and attracted a 3000 dollar loan from my grandpa for start up costs (he really beleives in us and was a millionaire earlier in his life and is living well off). I got inspired thought to advertise on craigslist and began getting jobs. saw a commercial for vistaprint (and i never watch tv but happened to be at this time) so we had business cards made. We also had 30 shirts made with our logo and business number on them. We have 4 guys that work for us along side us when we have multiple jobs at once or a 4 man team is required. We usually get 2 to 3 jobs a week and are really needing more. BASE is definatly creating some synchronicities though and is helping my confidence as well. Im currently in the process of obtaining a corporate business liscense and then will be advertising on a website that is in affiliation with uhaul. Once that is in place business will really take off. I seem to attract the people i need which is what BASE is designed for. All my bros in the gym want to work for us and are enthusiastic about it. Also im finding ways to make money like scrap metal, most people dont realize how much moneys worth in metal they have laying around (and then also when a customer on the job is wanting to throw away sumthing metal: an exercise bike or a rim from a wheel we take it from them and scrap it). I cant wait to see where I am in 6 months. oh yea and I set a goal for the new year to make a million without really thinking about the fact that the last couple lines of script in BASE talks about making urself a millionaire as quickly as possible