03-12-2016, 10:36 PM
oh snap, i just realized that optimus engine 3.0 might have initiated my decision to move from where i was living to where i am now. after feeling my reaction i had over being considered having a "holier than thou" attitude a couple days ago, i started making plans to leave that house and move back to the main campus of the sober living facility. and within 48 hours, i had moved back to the bed i was in during my AM6 run.
i noticed that i'm a lot more comfortable where i am now, since my ego is not in danger of being attacked as it was in the other house. so, as a result my confidence went higher, i am around more people to interact with. i'm almost certain the OE3.0 was at work here... not entirely sure why, but the reason may well present itself here in the coming days/weeks.
So I hung out with that hot 9/10 eastern european girl today. Turns out she's Polish (whch is why i asked Dzemoo about his experience with polish girls in his journal). we had great interaction, but nothing physical... although her eyes communicate crazy attraction, but for some reason i feel like i'm being kept at friendzone distance. and more likely than not, it's me friendzoning myself because of my lack of escalation confidence. inconceivablezen sent me a book on escalation, and i haven't started reading it although it's something i should start doing ASAP. (thanks IZ!)
oh yeah also.. in my AM6 journal i mentioned having dreams of this fine ass girl i refer to as "B", and how in my dreams me and her would be very close to hooking up.... well, my lovely lady friend managed to tell me some news that "B" ALSO had a crush on me during my SM3 run (and still does). god damn my obliviousness!!!!! i even brought it up to my lady friend how oblivious I am to the signals that women are showing interest, and she said that she thinks i subconsciously intentionally choose not to acknowledge female interest for some reason or another... i will not be making a move on "B" however, as my lady friend and i set some parameters on the people we can date, and "B" falls into one aspect of the boundary I agreed not to cross.
I can't wait to run the sex magnet again
oh snap, i just realized that optimus engine 3.0 might have initiated my decision to move from where i was living to where i am now. after feeling my reaction i had over being considered having a "holier than thou" attitude a couple days ago, i started making plans to leave that house and move back to the main campus of the sober living facility. and within 48 hours, i had moved back to the bed i was in during my AM6 run.
i noticed that i'm a lot more comfortable where i am now, since my ego is not in danger of being attacked as it was in the other house. so, as a result my confidence went higher, i am around more people to interact with. i'm almost certain the OE3.0 was at work here... not entirely sure why, but the reason may well present itself here in the coming days/weeks.
So I hung out with that hot 9/10 eastern european girl today. Turns out she's Polish (whch is why i asked Dzemoo about his experience with polish girls in his journal). we had great interaction, but nothing physical... although her eyes communicate crazy attraction, but for some reason i feel like i'm being kept at friendzone distance. and more likely than not, it's me friendzoning myself because of my lack of escalation confidence. inconceivablezen sent me a book on escalation, and i haven't started reading it although it's something i should start doing ASAP. (thanks IZ!)
oh yeah also.. in my AM6 journal i mentioned having dreams of this fine ass girl i refer to as "B", and how in my dreams me and her would be very close to hooking up.... well, my lovely lady friend managed to tell me some news that "B" ALSO had a crush on me during my SM3 run (and still does). god damn my obliviousness!!!!! i even brought it up to my lady friend how oblivious I am to the signals that women are showing interest, and she said that she thinks i subconsciously intentionally choose not to acknowledge female interest for some reason or another... i will not be making a move on "B" however, as my lady friend and i set some parameters on the people we can date, and "B" falls into one aspect of the boundary I agreed not to cross.
I can't wait to run the sex magnet again