07-27-2011, 12:07 PM
During the creation process for AM11, Shannon asked for input. Because the feed back was slow, Spiral requested that other speak up. The following was my response.
Note: When I joined the forum I was known as OldMan.
Gents continue to laugh at yourself.
Note: When I joined the forum I was known as OldMan.
(01-07-2011, 09:38 AM)OldMan Wrote: spiralout1988...you want us to post more (like you, Shannon, Jay, Ryan, and Ron)
Why should I share with you….how do I know who you really are. How do I know you are not just some old sagging bra-less woman who never takes a bath..but just surf’s the web all day, or if Jay is really just a Glee club experiment/home work assignment for some high school club, or Ron is really a divorced soccer mom who is researching alpha male traits for her new book exposing “The Real Lies Behind Alpha Males” as a way of getting back at her alpha male ex-husband….or Ryan…...if he is just a pre-pubescent pimpled faced 13 year old boy who fantasizes about the neighbor girl….and her mom..…most likely he watches them from his room with a pair of binoculars…and…Shannon…. Shannon…. he is some kind of government program…setup to create an army of drones via subliminal brain washing via the internet ….and Andrew and Jackie are just code words or evil henchmen….…….Ok spiralout1988 how do I know that you are ALL not just old bald hairy backed fat creepy alpha wannabe’s who wished they had a better life…..oh wait…that would describe me……. LOL
I will post more in time…..most likely once I start AM. I do enjoy reading about you from your posts.
Ok so now after writing that I will chuckle every time I read a post from you wondering if they hang down to your belly button or your knees. .or when Ron posts if the kids won their game… or when Ryan posts if he has just finished putting down the binoculars from watching the neighbor girl through her bedroom window (wow I’m going off on Ryan again..no apologies this time…LOL)
(01-08-2011, 04:24 PM)Jackie Wrote: I don't normally post in the men's section because it's supposed to be pure and untouched by female coodies! But your post made me laugh, very good points. Basically share whatever you're comfortable sharing. Sometimes knowing less about people makes it easier to be more open. But I geniunely enjoyed your post, and yes, there are female eyes (mine) reading your posts! Mwaahaaaa! That was my best henchwoman cackle. No, seriously, be yourselves, share what you will, and have fun!
(01-07-2011, 10:18 AM)OldMan Wrote: RainbowAbyss I see that in the end you caught the spirit of the post. Laugh at yourself. If you can’t everyone else will.
So I pose the following question. How do you know that’s really a picture of Ryan and not just a picture of his super good looking older brother.
(02-03-2011, 07:23 AM)OldMan Wrote: Wow, Ryan this is great...way to go.
I'm glad that you are about a month of head of me on AM11. From your posts I'm getting a preview of what's to come. OK now I'm sure its a picture of you..and not your older brother
(01-08-2011, 11:09 AM)ronatello Wrote: ROFL! Esp. my part!!!
Let's see, I am a soccer mom that lives in La Jolla, California in a $5.5 million dollar house. Wonderful view of the Pacific! I'm a 39 year old cougar that loves to prey on all the hot 20 to 25 year old studs on the beach... not to mention the ones in La Jolla villiage!
My husband left me for some 25 year old Playmate that lives in Oceanside.
At least I got his house!and my cubs like it too!!!
(01-08-2011, 11:12 AM)Jay Wrote: So, how's the book coming along?
(01-08-2011, 11:16 AM)ronatello Wrote: Slowly... I've been busy with my cubs.
Gents continue to laugh at yourself.