@boromir - I've gotten that before! A really cute girl that I met back in November I could tell had some sort of interest in me before I started this self-improvement process. She would smile and seemed to enjoy talking to me. However, back in February I saw her again for the first time. I was a changed man after doing Aura and MM. I walked into the room and she wouldn't even look at me, wouldn't say hi to me, wouldn't hug me, anything! She just ignored I was there. Later on she started making eye contact with me (a lot of times for me it comes later in the night after they get more comfortable). She was holding it for a while and then I'd look back and she'd smile really big, giggle and look down. I would smile back and laugh because I knew what I was doing her. She hardly said a word to me though. I grabbed the camera out of her hand and grabbed her to take a picture with her. She enjoyed it but she was completely in a daze wondering why the hell I'd take a picture with her. She ended up leaving, never said bye, barely talked to me besides saying if I came to see her at work I'd get a free beer
So I took her up on that, couldn't really find the place she works so I started texting her. She asks me to go with her sometime. I said Are you asking me on a date? And she replied 'well you're waay too hot for me but sure you can call it that'. I told her to have some confidence and hinted that she has a shot (because I did actually like her). Then she started texting me crazy and wanted me to come see her that night! She wasn't shy around me much anymore, well kind of, but not so much. Use it to your advantage though! We sexy guys are responsible for making women feel comfortable around us. Once you do, though, their attitude changes and you can see how they try to impress you. Like my date the night. She was completely nervous I could see it in her face as she wouldn't look into my eyes and hardly spoke. I started asking her about herself and showed that I was a friendly guy and immediately she opened up and wouldn't shut up. She then began talking about herself and trying to make it sound like she was a really cool person. She even started downing herself about things (I think it may have been nerves). But that all comes down to the fact that a lot of these women think we are 'too hot' for them so we wouldn't bother being with them, they have no shot so they automatically assume, we would be uninterested. And even after the date we had, she still believed that until I asked her out again. That's when she became even more comfortable with me and wanted to be around me more.
we are the hot brunette

we are the hot brunette