03-15-2018, 11:15 PM
Alpha Male V6.
-DavisMind91 said this here
Quote:Stage 4, Day 29:
Woke up and went to the mall early today to shop. I was extroverted as hell. Socializing took no effort and I spoke to everyone I came across like I’ve known them for years. I picked up a bunch of cool stuff too. I went into every store decisive about what I wanted and refused to leave until I either got it or realized the store simply didn’t carry it. There was no trying to negotiate a sale with me for an alternative item.
After leaving the food court I had a lyft driver that overheard me say on the phone that I was dropping my purchases home really quick before heading back out to work. She then offered to wait for me while I was inside , the thing is though she gave me the extra ride to work at no charge. Even offered me her lunch along the way, it’s like she wanted to take care of me or something...
-DavisMind91 said this here