09-11-2015, 11:06 PM
I have been using Absolute Self Confidence for a while now and really enjoyed the effects - it's definitely made me feel more outgoing and willing to bet on myself than I used to be so thank you Shannon.
The next logical step would be AM6 but I am worried about a few things. After reading around I noticed that a big part of the program was about realizing emotions are not helpful and that logical thinking is superior. This might be true, but my issue is that I want to get into acting and as emotions are basically the tools of an actor, reducing them wouldn't be good for my craft. So I thought why no request a subliminal specifically for actors? I don't know if you have done any reading on the subject Shannon, but here's an overview of the qualities that benefit an actor:
-Relaxation: tension is the death of acting. Actors need to be fully muscularly relaxed in order for emotion to take place without restriction.
-Energy: They must be brimming with energy in order to captivate an audience. It's a kind of vibrational presence that the best actors have and it's the reason you can't keep your eyes off of them. This is quite a mysterious subject but I think Shannon is quite knowledgeable about this area and so hopefully he knows what I mean. The energy of a captivating, charismatic human being.
-Concentration: Acting requires 100% focus on the task at hand. When you concentrate 100% on the present moment and what you are doing, be it sex, studying, tying shoelaces or fully listening to another human being, you are completely "present". This means you do not have distracting thoughts or insecurities running through your mind. A complete lack of self consciousness.
-Imagination: Actors develop their imagination to the point where their imagination becomes their reality. You have to really BELIEVE what's happening in the scene. It's not easy to convince yourself you are a completely different human being but it is possible with imagination which is like a muscle and can be improved with training.
-Empathy: Obviously to be able to become another person, you need to be able to empathize with them. Empathy can be taught, the ability to put yourself in another persons circumstances and feel what they must be going through.
-Vulnerability: You have to be able to share your feelings/emotions and display your weaknesses in front of people. Not easy.
-Physical Sensitivity: as your body is your instrument, you need complete control over it. Increased muscular awareness is vital, a better sense of where your body is in the space. Also all the senses should be honed so you have an improved sense of smell, taste, etc.
-Emotional Sensitivity: All emotions, good and bad, need to be intensified.
Aesthetic appreciation: You need to find life beautiful for it to be art. It will make you a happier person too.
I can go into much more detail if it would be something people liked the idea of? In terms of how you market it, "Subliminal for Acting" might not be the best idea as although that's what it is, you probably won't get non-actors looking at it. Something along the lines of "Subliminal for Living Life to the Fullest" or "Maximum experience" might be better?
For all the guys who are interested in getting better with women, I think this would be a great one. Who do women go crazy for more than the best actors? It's partly fame, sure, but it's something else and that something else can be taught and learned by anybody. I really believe this would be beneficial for ANYBODY. As an acting coach called Larry Moss says, acting and living are not two separate things. Learning to act is learning to experience life and everything it has to offer.
Hugh Jackman talks about this a bit in this video at 31 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho-tF_7LaDM
Would anyone else be interested in this or is it just me asking for it?
I have been using Absolute Self Confidence for a while now and really enjoyed the effects - it's definitely made me feel more outgoing and willing to bet on myself than I used to be so thank you Shannon.
The next logical step would be AM6 but I am worried about a few things. After reading around I noticed that a big part of the program was about realizing emotions are not helpful and that logical thinking is superior. This might be true, but my issue is that I want to get into acting and as emotions are basically the tools of an actor, reducing them wouldn't be good for my craft. So I thought why no request a subliminal specifically for actors? I don't know if you have done any reading on the subject Shannon, but here's an overview of the qualities that benefit an actor:
-Relaxation: tension is the death of acting. Actors need to be fully muscularly relaxed in order for emotion to take place without restriction.
-Energy: They must be brimming with energy in order to captivate an audience. It's a kind of vibrational presence that the best actors have and it's the reason you can't keep your eyes off of them. This is quite a mysterious subject but I think Shannon is quite knowledgeable about this area and so hopefully he knows what I mean. The energy of a captivating, charismatic human being.
-Concentration: Acting requires 100% focus on the task at hand. When you concentrate 100% on the present moment and what you are doing, be it sex, studying, tying shoelaces or fully listening to another human being, you are completely "present". This means you do not have distracting thoughts or insecurities running through your mind. A complete lack of self consciousness.
-Imagination: Actors develop their imagination to the point where their imagination becomes their reality. You have to really BELIEVE what's happening in the scene. It's not easy to convince yourself you are a completely different human being but it is possible with imagination which is like a muscle and can be improved with training.
-Empathy: Obviously to be able to become another person, you need to be able to empathize with them. Empathy can be taught, the ability to put yourself in another persons circumstances and feel what they must be going through.
-Vulnerability: You have to be able to share your feelings/emotions and display your weaknesses in front of people. Not easy.
-Physical Sensitivity: as your body is your instrument, you need complete control over it. Increased muscular awareness is vital, a better sense of where your body is in the space. Also all the senses should be honed so you have an improved sense of smell, taste, etc.
-Emotional Sensitivity: All emotions, good and bad, need to be intensified.
Aesthetic appreciation: You need to find life beautiful for it to be art. It will make you a happier person too.
I can go into much more detail if it would be something people liked the idea of? In terms of how you market it, "Subliminal for Acting" might not be the best idea as although that's what it is, you probably won't get non-actors looking at it. Something along the lines of "Subliminal for Living Life to the Fullest" or "Maximum experience" might be better?
For all the guys who are interested in getting better with women, I think this would be a great one. Who do women go crazy for more than the best actors? It's partly fame, sure, but it's something else and that something else can be taught and learned by anybody. I really believe this would be beneficial for ANYBODY. As an acting coach called Larry Moss says, acting and living are not two separate things. Learning to act is learning to experience life and everything it has to offer.
Hugh Jackman talks about this a bit in this video at 31 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho-tF_7LaDM
Would anyone else be interested in this or is it just me asking for it?