08-30-2010, 07:16 AM
I was real negative all last night and I couldn't get to sleep. Over the last few weeks I've been having aches in my body around my stomach area and for the longest time I was tripping out about it and what it was and then my parents and I figured out what the problem was but those weeks of negativity have been coming back and I've had the negative thoughts of me being sick and It was nerve wracking last night. I had to do a sperate set of affirmations to allow myself to remember how healthy I really and and that my immune system is top notch. I truly am blessed for this. Another thing that triggered this negativity is the dream that I had 2 nights ago. I dreamt that someone I knew had cancer. I know soon I'll be over this phase and back in to complete positive mode but it really was bothering me yesterday and still is today and I'm having trouble focusing on work because I have to constantly tell myself how healthy I really am.