(02-10-2015, 11:46 AM)CatMan Wrote: Hi there!
Welcome to the forum. AM6 is awesome, I'll be done stage 4 in about a week or so and it's been amazing so far. Great start, keep the hours for each stage total as close as possible, and keep those hours up each day, don't let resistance get you down, and you'll be a new man in 6 months! You may need to repeat right after and that's okay, progress is progress. Don't forget that.
One point though, I find by grading yourself on the actual bulletpoints to be a better gauge than the inclusions in version 6 section. All the bulletpoints below "Specifically, Alpha Male 6 is designed to give any man who uses it the self image, self esteem and self respect of an alpha male, while simultaneously bringing his attitude, thinking, body language, responses and actions around to match. When you have finished using this incredible program, you will:" are golden and what you need to gauge effectiveness. I graded myself on a simple "yes/no" for each before, and will redo it after I'm done at the end of April.
Enjoy the ride, and we'll be here for support for you!
Hi CatMan, thanks for your welcome. Good to know you're also on the AM6 journey as well.
I almost wish I could have had more time on stage one, now that I'm on 2. There was a lot of stuff from my past that was brought up into my conscious mind, and I'm sure there's way more so as of this writing I can tell I'll probably be doing a re run.
Stage 2 Day 5
I'm starting to experience what they are calling "no bullshit tolerance". I noticed it beginning to take effect during stage one, but now it's very pronounced. If anyone is even remotely wasting any part of my time by inconveniencing me, it bugs the shit out of me to the point I feel like I'm going crazy in my head. I have to level my pride a little bit, and acknowledge that the world doesn't revolve around me, and that I can easily build up a resentment to that shit if I let it.
For example, T was complaining yesterday how people were dipping in the sink that isn't supposed to be used, and it pissed me off because he doesn't even clean the whole bathroom as it is, and he has the nerve to complain about dipping in the sink. Another example is at work where J was asking questions that he shouldn't need to be asking. Like, he should already know that shit. It seemed like he just asked it to bullshit with me. Ki at the house was also doing this, and he'd get my attention for STUPID things that I really didn't need to pay attention to him about. Like repeating "Hey [eternitys_child], I'll get off work tomorrow at 6." and then he'll call my name later, tell me the same damn thing, and I'm sitting there like wtf you told me this already, we've been through this. It seems like very beta behavior the way people are constantly seeking my attention.
I guess I am getting what I asked for in terms of being more popular lol. I don't know when the manifestation of circle of friends sequence is supposed to kick in, but I think it might have already started. I feel a stronger connection with the people I'm around today, compared with a week or 2 weeks ago.
But then I talked to my sponsor about it, and he brought up a very good point. People look up to me at my house because of how I'm working my program. I am "the face of recovery" to them, so people are inclined to follow me in the pursuit of recovery.
So in summary (tl;dr):
-I'm getting annoyed very easily
-I have no problem calling someone out on something when the situation presents itself, without fear of how I will be judged
-Starting to feel a stronger connection with the people in my immediate presence. Wondering if the subs manifested particular people to move into my house to replace the guys who got kicked out.
-overall positive minded thinking