03-15-2025, 05:29 AM
Feeling much better today, despite having had some dreams which verged on the disturbing. Singing practice went very well after a two day slump. This makes me a happy camper. Also just learned of a singing competition to which I'm going to apply - all dates check out. I can kill two birds with one stone and prepare recordings both for the comp and the auditions at the same time, my pianist buddy agreed to help me out. Set my heart on 5 pieces of repertoire, now I've got 2 months to work on them.
It'll be interesting to see whether the DRS v2 + added pizzaz from OSC discourages my pianist buddy from giving me so much singing instruction (which is sometimes on point and sometimes... less so
) which is a bit of a nuisance (he's a bit of a smartass, that guy). I'll be seeing him to work on stuff next week.
Also, been finding some more translation opportunities lately. Mostly they don't pan out, but usually one out 5-6 turns into a solid customer, and I could use one or two regular customers more, given my current workload, to have more spending monies for 6G programs and such. I think I might go on a vacation course ran by designee "dancer chick with *dat ass*" from my DMSI journals in June, X4A her a bit, see how she reacts. The trip itself would be very nice as well - participated in one several years ago and it was great, I also met many hot dancer chicks there and am friends with some to this day.

It'll be interesting to see whether the DRS v2 + added pizzaz from OSC discourages my pianist buddy from giving me so much singing instruction (which is sometimes on point and sometimes... less so

Also, been finding some more translation opportunities lately. Mostly they don't pan out, but usually one out 5-6 turns into a solid customer, and I could use one or two regular customers more, given my current workload, to have more spending monies for 6G programs and such. I think I might go on a vacation course ran by designee "dancer chick with *dat ass*" from my DMSI journals in June, X4A her a bit, see how she reacts. The trip itself would be very nice as well - participated in one several years ago and it was great, I also met many hot dancer chicks there and am friends with some to this day.
"A man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." - A. Crowley