9 hours ago
(10 hours ago)Have at ye Wrote: It's funny. I seem to be getting different "wonky sensations" in different parts of my body depending, I think, on the particular nature of any attack, re: DRS v2. F. in. right now I'm getting a wonky sensation in my right eye, and this isn't the first time this has happened (it's like your proverbial "evil eye" thing). But DRS v2 is trucking on.
It's like certain individuals are trying all the nasty little tricks they've tried previously but now are failing. I assume this will pass in a day or two, heh.
I'm kinda wondering whether the different "wonky sensations" are a metaphorical somatization or is there an actual physical, anatomical link between various forms of attack and how they can sometimes somatize.
I'm finding that if a person is of the instinctual type like Shannon mentioned they're going to "spin the block" aka shoot some hate at you ---> get DRS'd ---> stand bewildered ---> try again ---> get DRS'd ---> think of another way ---> get DRS'd. Especially if, previously, they've been able to grind you down with guilt, shame, or fear. I'm going through this now. I would get sensations mainly in my stomach or maybe a slight headache.
I will say the combo of OSC and DRS for me allows me to press on past these attacks without an issue. The shield powers up so quickly to in my experience that the negative effects are short-lived. Have you noticed anything similar?