05-27-2014, 01:08 AM
Thank you for sharing the stories. I hope and pray that I will not be one of the very resistant users you have or that I will gain weight during using. And hope that my medicine won't create much problem and give me weightgain quicker than I have. Even if I haven't been on it for long, the doctor suggested we might lower the dosage. I know I have a bonkers view on my own body and I find very slim persons fascinating. I am 5'3, and when I weighed 113 pounds I thought I could look fat. How a body can weigh 300 pounds or more shouldn't be possible. Tragic and sad. Saw a scale yesterday 40 USD something that measured more than just weight, but also bodyfat, and it could store up to 10 users. Under consideration. I hope the Version I have will work well for me. What kind of price will version7 be?? Read some old feedbacks yesterday, but didn't seem like they used it long or they stopped giving results. Will I most likely be aware of possible Blocks that might appear?? Glad you're getting results Ben :-) Hope you Reach a happy weight in the nearest future. This must be the only site where programs are improved and upgraded. Since I have just started using this, I Guess possible results will come around middle of June, then it should have gone about a month using this.