06-09-2014, 03:44 AM
Hi. Got any possible answers to give someone asking me why I use this album when I just need to diet. I also know that I need to eat less than I am now to loose weight and exercise. We all have been told that, but if that Works, then there wouldn't or shouldn't be any obese/ overweight People. If I can ask you Ben (up to you if you'll answer), did you try to loose weight before these programs, and how did that work then? And is there a difference between before the use of subliminals and now? I hope that this album will give me more motivation to loose weight. As if having to buy larger sizes in clothes shouldn't be enough or getting quicker out of breath. But I understand that I might have to do more consciously to possibly avoid more weightgain. But I will not stop listening to the album, and see if I'll notice any mental changes that can make changing feel easier. I know Your albums contain Messages, since I have some silent albums that contain zero (or they have done something so it sound like there are no affirmations on the silent track even when there is).