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Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Printable Version

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RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 12-19-2016

Stage 3, Day 32,

Time to review my stages, I'll go through all the modules that have been featured in Stage 3.

1. Ultra Motivation: 4/10: Not that great of a stage for this. I want to succeed, but my productivity sucks, and I've been trapped in this world for the last while.

2. Maximum Productivity: 2/10: It's not atrocious to the point that I risk losing my job. But I can't seem to focus on a task for more than 2 minutes (where I was able to just a month ago)

4. Luck Magnifier: 8/10: Plenty of serendipity. I go to an event I don't feel like going to on a hunch, and I earn a gig and 200$.

5. Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear: I guess 7/10: I'm considering ideas that I wouldn't before.

6. Positive Thinking, Positive Attitude: 9/10: Negative thoughts are practically foreign to me

7. Maximum Sales Success: 7/10: I have 'sales' coming in, and I've gotten 3 gig offers in one day.

8. Optimus Engine 2.1: Hard to comment on this one

9. Improved Communication: 8/10: After big issues with speaking, I seem to be back to normal.

10. Action Orientation: 8/10: When I do act, I seem to take good steps. I make phonecalls much more easily than I'm used to; I used to hate calling people. I guess I've gotten over my fear of people.

11. Goal Orientation: 8/10: I've written out goals, but I'm bad at following up. I just wrote a set of goals for the next two weeks, for my last 4 days at work, and I'll be signing up for the '100 Day Challenge' for the first time in 2.5 years.

12. Pragmatic & Practical: 6/10: Meh

14. Fearlessly Transition To An Entrepreneurial Mindset: 9/10: Yes! My mind will dare to 'go there' for ideas to make some money. My ideas are not fully formed yet.

15. Assertiveness Training: 8/10: I can speak my mind without rocking the boat.

16. Strong, Clear Voice: 8/10: My voice has gotten stronger. People hear it even when I'm speaking softly.

17. Public Speaking Skills: 8/10: This applied more to my performing live than it did for my public speaking.

18. Courageous: 7/10

19. Win-Win Mindset: 7/10

20. Authoritative Presence: No clue how I'm being interpreted; a guy that used to goof around with me, almost in an funny intimidating way, as a purple belt talking to a white belt, was much more respectful and normal to me today.

22. Successful Negotiator: No real idea

23. Effective Delegator: n/a

24. Better With Maths & Numbers: I'm comfortable with numbers and maths, but I haven't been improving.

25. Balance Your Brain Hemispheres: My mind stops and starts, so I hope that this sorts itself out.

26. Become A Money Magnet: 6/10: Above average, just basing on these weird coincidences

27. Deservedness For Success As An Entrepreneur: 7/10: Still not 100% clear on my plan to succeed. I sense that my feeling of deservedness will increase if I have a plan

28. Polymorphic Aura:

29. Disconnect From Negativity Within: 10/10: I have virtually no negativity; sometimes, I'm just a bit discouraged from not having enough sleep.

30. Disconnect From Other People’s Negativity: 9/10: A caterer just verbally unloaded on me today, and it washed over me. My colleague was getting 'triggered' (lol), even though I didn't expect it from her. He was extremely rude, but I found no use in yelling right back; I labeled his feelings, and directed that energy elsewhere. I got mad after the fact because I may have to continue working with him. But, I possibly have the choice of changing caterers, so if it's up to me, we'll get rid of him.

31. Ego Balancing: 9/10: There's always another level to this, but it seems like I'm pretty leveled, most of the time

32. Maximum Sleep Quality: 8/10: I can get by on 6 hours of sleep, though that's not ideal. Pretty incredible that this is while I'm working through a 5G 6-stage program.

33. End Clutter & Get Organized: 3/10: More cluterred than ever.

35. Forgive Others & Let It Go: 9/10: No grudges, but there's a person that I might hold things against in the moment.

36. Forgive Yourself & Move On: 8/10

37. Get Out Of Debt: 10/10: Paid off 100% of student debt this month.

38. Psychic Ability To Get Ahead As A Successful Entrepreneur: No comment

39. Think Like A Millionaire: 2/10: Nothing really to report here

40. Negative Stress Relief: 8/10: I only feel stress for brief periods of time. Like the example with the chef above. It bothered me for about 2 hours.

41. Seize The Day: 3/10: Not really doing much today

42. Stop Using Recreational Drugs & Alcohol: 6/10: Drinking more beer than during Stage 1 or 2.

43. Prioritize Effectively: 6/10: Been making goals and prioritizing, I need to work on this

44. Seek The Challenge: 3/10: Not really doing much

46. Emotional Healing & Pain Relief: 8/10: Pretty good at this stuff

47. Accept & Take Personal Responsibility For Your Choices, Actions, Results & Life: 9/10: I accept this, but I'm not that motivated to change it.

48. Dream Your Best Solution: no comment

49. Maximum Learning Speed: 7/10; Doing alright with this

50. Kill Excuses: 9/10 I have very few excuses; again, little motivation to fix my situation

51. Persistence & Perseverance: 8/10: I can continue on, bit by bit, even if I'm not exactly feeling like it

52. Wealth Ceiling Destruction: 5/10

53. Self Discipline:4/10: I need to be able to focus for more than 2 minutes on something for this score to be higher

54. Refusal To Accept Anything But Success: 7/10: My standards are increasing

55. Tempered Gratitude (Non-Motivation Destroying): 7/10: Feeling good, but I sense that there's a next level

56. Find The Niche & Develop It (Know What People Need & Turn It Into Success):8/10: I think that I've found some good niches, especially when it comes to performing. I'm a bass singer, but I can sing some low baritone songs. Elvis, Johnny Cash, and christmas songs sound great out of my mouth. I can work with this, especially as I strengthen my range.

57. Paced Working & Entrepreneurial Efforts To Steady The Approach/Drive/Motivation & Prevent Burnout: 6/10: I'm going too slowly

58. Disconnect From Distractions: 1/10:

59. Believe In Yourself & Your Choices, Goals & Methods, Regardless Of What Others Say, As Long As You Have Verified The Validity For Yourself: 8/10: People's contradictions don't even phase me. I just don't listen.

61. Value Your Time Highly Enough To Refuse To Waste It: 3/10

62. Frame Your Path & Walking Your Path To Success As An Entrepreneur As Being Fun & Enjoyable: 7/10: Getting there

63. Networking Skills: 3/10 Meh

67. Detect Deceptions & Discern & Understand The Reason For The Deception: 8/10 Getting better at this. Getting better at noticing red flags.

68. Maximize The Value Brought To The Market/Customer: No idea

69. Always Let Your Market Be Your Guide: Listen To Them & What They Want/Need, & Fulfill Their Wants/Needs: 8/10: I took a crapton of requests last Saturday when I performed for them

70. Always Seek & Find The Positive Opportunity That Every Challenge Brings With It & Put It To Its Best Possible Use: Meh?

71. Select One Overarching Primary Goal/Purpose: I would say that it is writing the book, but I have so many other things going on.

72. Maintain Consistency In Everything You Do Towards Your Goal: 8/10: My days are pretty similar, but I need to add the components that I want with more consistency

74. Learn How To Reasonably & Objectively Determine Fair Value For Your Product/Service Value: I'm no good at this.

76. Always Improving Yourself As An Entrepreneur In All The Roles That Requires One To Take: 0/10

77. Normalization Of/Comfort With/Acceptance Of The Changes To Oneself & One’s Situation & Finances That Is Required To Achieve High Success: 4/10

79. Only Compete Where Necessary & Use The Competition Or Lack Thereof To Your Advantage:

81. Prevent Others From Taking Advantage Of You, Scamming You, Etc.:

83. Become The Best Of The Best In Your Field: 7/10 Getting better as a singer/performer

84. Spend Wisely & Always With An Eye To How It Will Enhance Your Success & Position In Your Field: 8/10 I've been tracking outgoing expenses, but I now need to track income.

85. Express Success In All Ways, Even Before You Have Achieved It: 5/10 no idea

86. Be Open To The Possibility Of Being Wrong, Recognize It & Make It Right ASAP When You Are: 10/10; I'm sensitive to this idea, especially since the idea of 'truth' is so tricky for me right now.

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 12-23-2016

Stage 4, Day 4,

It seems like my zia (Italian term for aunt, but she's technically not family) has been red-pilled. I visited her last night, and she opens up about how the traditional way of marriage in the past, but she's mentioned how marriage isn't worth it to men anymore, due to the risk of divorce and heavy alimony. I never expected her to talk like this. Seems like my zia is a MGTOW now.

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 12-28-2016

Stage 4, Day 7,

I'm writing this log for the sake of remembering the number. I've gone 3 days straight without any exposure. I'll be listening for about 30 minutes before bed, but I'll only be getting a day's worth tomorrow. I'll probably do an extra 3-4 days after this Stage is through to make up for my spotty attendance. I'll keep listening, as opposed to stopping and restarting.

I'm crashing at a friend's house for a couple of days. I must remark upon a couple of things. I'm doing pretty well for a 24 year old, given the fact that all they do on their time off is watch videos, smoke weed and drink. They only read what they need for school. Granted, it's the holiday season now, so it's understandable. What's not understandable is how messy AND dirty their apartment. Every square inch of shelf space is covered, they have very little desk space, and their floor is covered in hair and dust. I now get why my mom is on my case about cleaning heh.

On a side note, I want to fuck. But no woman seems interesting to me. And when I'm interested, they don't seem interested in me. Guess which sub I'll be running after this one?

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 12-30-2016

Stage 4, Day 10,

My second night at the AirBnB; it's SOOO nice! I can't get over how productive you can become once your space is clean and tidy.

Today and yesterday, I spent individual time with entrepreneurs, each one more impressive than the next. The first had a full time job and is launching a prelim Huff-Po style blog. The second has a shaving gel applicator that sells 1000s of dollars a day. The last is a dadtrepreneur, in the sense that he teaches dads how to balance a business and family life, typically single dads. He already has a consulting business, so it's not a circle jerk type of thing.

It's crazy what spending time around people who have their shit together will do to your reality, especially the last one. He's so key'ed in to energy and the exchange of value between people; money is not an issue for him, and it comes so easily. It made me realize that the world doesn't work the way that you think it must. There's so much control that you have over your reality, as long as you realize it.

He went into some metaphysical 'spiel', but I think I understand the message behind it; most people have virtually identical thoughts, including yourself, and so we're not too dissimilar in terms of our fears and motivations. Also, even the smallest person down the totem pole gives something/a person power by mentally giving it power. The rock star is a rock star because of the attention of the 1000s in the crowd, which he recycles towards a performance.

He said that visualization exercise is to focus on energy instead of imagery. This is where meditation comes in.

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-01-2017

Stage 4, Day 12,

Ironic highlight of my trip: reading in a coffeeshop, stood up by a woman I was supposed to meet, overhearing this gross-looking 45-55 year old talking to her friend (in her 30s) about Tinder. She goes "you swipe right, you start chatting, and suddenly he wants to start texting, or sexting!"

Here I'm thinking; "wtf! I swipe right all the time, but I NEVER get matches!"

This solidifies my belief that women can't reasonably coach men into being better with women; there's simply too much of a difference in how much the opposite sex works to try to attract you; it's like a kid, born into a multi-millionaire family, attracting other multi-millionaires for business deals, telling minimum wage workers to just "work hard, and to have a positive attitude".

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Benjamin - 01-01-2017

Yep it fucking pisses me off. Even average or ugly girls get a ton of matches. And i'm up there in looks and in way better shape than most average guys and barely get any matches.

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-08-2017

Stage 4, Day 19,

Productivity is kicking on.

I've signed on for the 100 Day Challenge on the 1st of January with these three goals:
1) Finish or put an enormous dent in writing my rhetoric-related books (confining myself to three); publish them to Amazon
2) Become a kick-ass singer; practice everyday and 'lean in'
3) Become conversationally fluent in German. From my current level of A1/A2 to B2; from light conversational ability and 3,200 or so flashcards, to reading entire paragraphs of complicated materials on a variety of topics, and learning new facts or figures from that language.

The past 7 days, I've written about 9,400 words for the book, am about to hire a freelance researcher, and will be looking into paperback publishing as I finish the first book. I've also ordered three books on Amazon on English grammar, and submitted an order with the inter-library loan for four books on logic.

On singing, I've been putting in the time, especially during the weekend. Noticing a big difference over the course of the week. I've seen that there are audition for a singing contest in 3 weeks. Incidentally, it happens on the morning in which I host an event in the evening. Plus, the audtion is a 2 hour drive away. That said, I can make it work.

On the German, I've been playing with flashcards, by looking at 0 new words, and amping up the number of review cards, from 125 to 200. I've also cut down the amount of time it takes, from around 50 minutes, to 26 minutes today with 200 cards. All this was accomplished by diving headlong into the material, and diving through. I've also taken to reading and listening on LingQ for short bursts of 10-15 minutes. I'm learning plenty of new words that way. Going to look for conversation partners or voice lessons in about one month.

I've considering energy levels through sleep and food, to be able to have the mental RPMs to do all this; I found that I undersleep during the work week, with 7 hours a night. It's not sustainable for me at my age. Increasing it to 8 hours.

This weekend has been enlightening, too: I've been in room for most of it, and I've found that I'm much more productive than when I'm downstairs on my couch (for obvious reasons; couches aren't the best way to be productive). I will continue tweaking my strategy.

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - cataleya - 01-08-2017

Where did you sign up for the 100 day challenge? Sounds interesting Wink

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-08-2017

(01-08-2017, 01:45 PM)cataleya Wrote: Where did you sign up for the 100 day challenge? Sounds interesting Wink

You have about 4 days left to join before the registrations close. It costs about 177$, which you can split into 2 payments if you want.

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - cataleya - 01-09-2017

(01-08-2017, 02:04 PM)DanAmerson Wrote:
(01-08-2017, 01:45 PM)cataleya Wrote: Where did you sign up for the 100 day challenge? Sounds interesting Wink

You have about 4 days left to join before the registrations close. It costs about 177$, which you can split into 2 payments if you want.

Thanks man! Now is not a good time for me to enter the challenge but I contacted them and they said they will re-open it on April 1st so I will do it then. The concept sounds awesome! Good luck to you and keep us posted Smile

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-12-2017

Stage 4, Day 23,

My productivity is messed up again, and it's originating in my mind; it's jumbled and all over the place. I can't seem to get my ideas out, nor can I focus for very long.

It's frustrated, but it's only been happening today.

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-13-2017

Stage 4, Day 24,

Singing voice has responded well to warmups, to the point my voice can be connected (in the exercises) at a low-mid volume consistently. When my voice would've typically "unhooked" for the feeling of connection, my voice automatically re-connected, as long as I'm not too reckless. My voice is more forgiving. However, it's a gradual, consistent development since my start in October.

EDIT: There's a single muscular function left that gets in the way of me singing louder in my mid-voice. When I reach a certain note, my voice gets dry and I trip a bit, but my voice doesn't crack. So once I figure this out, my voice will improve tremendously.

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-19-2017

Stage 4, Day 29,

The second half of this stage just flew by. This stage will be over on Saturday.
I'll give more details.

RE: Baby This is Ignition! - Ampers&d's BASE 2.1 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-22-2017

Stage 4 Recap:

2. Maximum Productivity: 6/10
3. Ultra Success: 7/10
4. Luck Magnifier: 6/10
5. Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear: 8/10
6. Positive Thinking, Positive Attitude: 8/10
7. Maximum Sales Success: 6/10
8. Optimus Engine 2.1:
10. Action Orientation: 7/10

11. Goal Orientation: 9/10
12. Pragmatic & Practical: 8/10
13. Laser-Like Focus & Concentration: 7/10
14. Fearlessly Transition To An Entrepreneurial Mindset: 8/10
16. Strong, Clear Voice: 8/10
17. Public Speaking Skills: 8/10
20. Authoritative Presence: 7/10

21. Charismatic Presence: 8/10
22. Successful Negotiator: 7/10
23. Effective Delegator: 5/10
25. Balance Your Brain Hemispheres: 9/10
26. Become A Money Magnet: 8/10
27. Deservedness For Success As An Entrepreneur: 8/10
28. Polymorphic Aura: 8/10
29. Disconnect From Negativity Within: 9/10

30. Disconnect From Other People’s Negativity: 8/10
31. Ego Balancing: 8/10
32. Maximum Sleep Quality: 8/10
33. End Clutter & Get Organized: 7/10
34. Extreme Self Esteem: 8/10
35. Forgive Others & Let It Go: 9/10
36. Forgive Yourself & Move On: 9/10
37. Get Out Of Debt: 10/10
38. Psychic Ability To Get Ahead As A Successful Entrepreneur: 5/10
39. Think Like A Millionaire: 7/10

41. Seize The Day: 6/10
42. Stop Using Recreational Drugs & Alcohol: 8/10
43. Prioritize Effectively: 7/10
44. Seek The Challenge: 7/10
45. Powerful Personal Presence & Strength: 7/10
46. Emotional Healing & Pain Relief (Consisting Of The Goals Below):
(a) Overcome The Victim Mentality: 9/10
(b) Healing Emotionally:9/10
© Increasing Mental/Emotional Maturity: 10/10
(d) Forgive Self & Others: 9/10
(e) Let Go Of The Past: 10/10
(f) Self Validation: 10/10

47. Accept & Take Personal Responsibility For Your Choices, Actions, Results & Life: 9/10
48. Dream Your Best Solution: 2/10

50. Kill Excuses: 9/10
51. Persistence & Perseverance: 8/10
57. Paced Working & Entrepreneurial Efforts To Steady The Approach/Drive/Motivation & Prevent Burnout: 8/10
59. Believe In Yourself & Your Choices, Goals & Methods, Regardless Of What Others Say, As Long As You Have Verified The Validity For Yourself: 9/10

60. Mindfulness Of How You Are Spending Your Time: 7/10
64. Natural Socialization: 7/10
65. Identify & Value Talented Individuals & Know How To Best Position Them: 0/10
66. Gather, Form & Manage A Successful Team: 0/10
67. Detect Deceptions & Discern & Understand The Reason For The Deception: 9/10
68. Maximize The Value Brought To The Market/Customer: 8/10
69. Always Let Your Market Be Your Guide: Listen To Them & What They Want/Need, & Fulfill Their Wants/Needs: 7/10

70. Always Seek & Find The Positive Opportunity That Every Challenge Brings With It & Put It To Its Best Possible Use: 8/10
72. Maintain Consistency In Everything You Do Towards Your Goal: 8/10
73. Have The Courage To Ask For/Expect/Demand Fair Compensation For The Value You Bring To Market: 6/10
74. Learn How To Reasonably & Objectively Determine Fair Value For Your Product/Service Value: 8/10
75. Create An Inspiring Vision That Others Want To Join & Support: 5/10
76. Always Improving Yourself As An Entrepreneur In All The Roles That Requires One To Take: 8/10
77. Normalization Of/Comfort With/Acceptance Of The Changes To Oneself & One’s Situation & Finances That Is Required To Achieve High Success: 8/10
78. Effective & Successful Competition Where Necessary:
79. Only Compete Where Necessary & Use The Competition Or Lack Thereof To Your Advantage: 8/10

80. Protect Your Assets: 8/10
81. Prevent Others From Taking Advantage Of You, Scamming You, Etc.: 8/10
82. Value The Customer Over The Money They Provide, & Seek A Stable, Long Term Approach To Business & Business Success: 8/10
83. Become The Best Of The Best In Your Field: 9/10 (ongoing)
84. Spend Wisely & Always With An Eye To How It Will Enhance Your Success & Position In Your Field: 9/10
85. Express Success In All Ways, Even Before You Have Achieved It: 7/10
86. Be Open To The Possibility Of Being Wrong, Recognize It & Make It Right ASAP When You Are: 10/10